The Best of LessWrong

When posts turn more than a year old, the LessWrong community reviews and votes on how well they have stood the test of time. These are the posts that have ranked the highest for all years since 2018 (when our annual tradition of choosing the least wrong of LessWrong began).

For the years 2018, 2019 and 2020 we also published physical books with the results of our annual vote, which you can buy and learn more about here.


Eliezer Yudkowsky
Local Validity as a Key to Sanity and Civilization
"Other people are wrong" vs "I am right"
Mark Xu
Strong Evidence is Common
You Are Not Measuring What You Think You Are Measuring
Gears-Level Models are Capital Investments
How to Ignore Your Emotions (while also thinking you're awesome at emotions)
Scott Garrabrant
Yes Requires the Possibility of No
Scott Alexander
Trapped Priors As A Basic Problem Of Rationality
Duncan Sabien (Deactivated)
Split and Commit
Ben Pace
A Sketch of Good Communication
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Meta-Honesty: Firming Up Honesty Around Its Edge-Cases
Duncan Sabien (Deactivated)
Lies, Damn Lies, and Fabricated Options
Duncan Sabien (Deactivated)
CFAR Participant Handbook now available to all
What Are You Tracking In Your Head?
Mark Xu
The First Sample Gives the Most Information
Duncan Sabien (Deactivated)
Shoulder Advisors 101
Feature Selection
Mistakes with Conservation of Expected Evidence
Scott Alexander
Varieties Of Argumentative Experience
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Toolbox-thinking and Law-thinking
The Felt Sense: What, Why and How
Duncan Sabien (Deactivated)
Cup-Stacking Skills (or, Reflexive Involuntary Mental Motions)
Ben Pace
The Costly Coordination Mechanism of Common Knowledge
Jacob Falkovich
Seeing the Smoke
Epistemic Legibility
Daniel Kokotajlo
Taboo "Outside View"
Gears vs Behavior
Noticing Frame Differences
Duncan Sabien (Deactivated)
Reality-Revealing and Reality-Masking Puzzles
Eliezer Yudkowsky Eliezer's latest story, past 1M words
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Self-Integrity and the Drowning Child
Jacob Falkovich
The Treacherous Path to Rationality
Scott Garrabrant
Tyranny of the Epistemic Majority
More Babble
Most Prisoner's Dilemmas are Stag Hunts; Most Stag Hunts are Schelling Problems
Being a Robust Agent
Heads I Win, Tails?—Never Heard of Her; Or, Selective Reporting and the Tragedy of the Green Rationalists
Reason isn't magic
Integrity and accountability are core parts of rationality
The Schelling Choice is "Rabbit", not "Stag"
Threat-Resistant Bargaining Megapost: Introducing the ROSE Value
Propagating Facts into Aesthetics
Simulacrum 3 As Stag-Hunt Strategy
Catching the Spark
Jacob Falkovich
Is Rationalist Self-Improvement Real?
Excerpts from a larger discussion about simulacra
Simulacra Levels and their Interactions
Radical Probabilism
Naming the Nameless
Comment reply: my low-quality thoughts on why CFAR didn't get farther with a "real/efficacious art of rationality"
Eric Raymond
Rationalism before the Sequences
The Rationalists of the 1950s (and before) also called themselves “Rationalists”


The Pavlov Strategy
Coordination as a Scarce Resource
What should you change in response to an "emergency"? And AI risk
Prediction Markets: When Do They Work?
Being the (Pareto) Best in the World
Is Success the Enemy of Freedom? (Full)
How factories were made safe
All Possible Views About Humanity's Future Are Wild
Why has nuclear power been a flop?
Simple Rules of Law
Power Buys You Distance From The Crime
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Is Clickbait Destroying Our General Intelligence?
Scott Alexander
The Tails Coming Apart As Metaphor For Life
Asymmetric Justice
Jeffrey Ladish
Nuclear war is unlikely to cause human extinction
Moloch Hasn’t Won
Motive Ambiguity
Can crimes be discussed literally?
Said Achmiz
The Real Rules Have No Exceptions
Lars Doucet
Lars Doucet's Georgism series on Astral Codex Ten
When Money Is Abundant, Knowledge Is The Real Wealth
This Can't Go On
Scott Alexander
Studies On Slack
Working With Monsters
Why haven't we celebrated any major achievements lately?
The Credit Assignment Problem
Martin Sustrik
Inadequate Equilibria vs. Governance of the Commons
The Amish, and Strategic Norms around Technology
Discontinuous progress in history: an update
Scott Alexander
Rule Thinkers In, Not Out
Jameson Quinn
A voting theory primer for rationalists
Nonprofit Boards are Weird
Wei Dai
Beyond Astronomical Waste
Making Vaccine
Make more land


The Redaction Machine
Samo Burja
On the Loss and Preservation of Knowledge
Introduction to abstract entropy
Martin Sustrik
Swiss Political System: More than You ever Wanted to Know (I.)
Interfaces as a Scarce Resource
Transportation as a Constraint
There’s no such thing as a tree (phylogenetically)
Scott Alexander
Is Science Slowing Down?
Martin Sustrik
Anti-social Punishment
Martin Sustrik
Research: Rescuers during the Holocaust
Toni Kurz and the Insanity of Climbing Mountains
Book Review: Design Principles of Biological Circuits
Literature Review: Distributed Teams
The Intelligent Social Web
Bird Concept
Unconscious Economics
Spaghetti Towers
Eli Tyre
Historical mathematicians exhibit a birth order effect too
What Money Cannot Buy
Scott Alexander
Book Review: The Secret Of Our Success
Specializing in Problems We Don't Understand
Why did everything take so long?
[Answer] Why wasn't science invented in China?
Scott Alexander
Mental Mountains
My attempt to explain Looking, insight meditation, and enlightenment in non-mysterious terms
Evolution of Modularity
Science in a High-Dimensional World
How uniform is the neocortex?
Building up to an Internal Family Systems model
Steven Byrnes
My computational framework for the brain
Counter-theses on Sleep
What makes people intellectually active?
Birth order effect found in Nobel Laureates in Physics
Elephant seal 2
Anti-Aging: State of the Art
Steelmanning Divination
Book summary: Unlocking the Emotional Brain

AI Strategy

Ajeya Cotra
Without specific countermeasures, the easiest path to transformative AI likely leads to AI takeover
Daniel Kokotajlo
Cortés, Pizarro, and Afonso as Precedents for Takeover
Daniel Kokotajlo
The date of AI Takeover is not the day the AI takes over
What failure looks like
Daniel Kokotajlo
What 2026 looks like
It Looks Like You're Trying To Take Over The World
What Multipolar Failure Looks Like, and Robust Agent-Agnostic Processes (RAAPs)
Another (outer) alignment failure story
Ajeya Cotra
Draft report on AI timelines
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Biology-Inspired AGI Timelines: The Trick That Never Works
Reply to Eliezer on Biological Anchors
AGI safety from first principles: Introduction
Daniel Kokotajlo
Fun with +12 OOMs of Compute
Wei Dai
AI Safety "Success Stories"
Counterarguments to the basic AI x-risk case
The Plan
Rohin Shah
Reframing Superintelligence: Comprehensive AI Services as General Intelligence
What an actually pessimistic containment strategy looks like
Eliezer Yudkowsky
MIRI announces new "Death With Dignity" strategy
Chris Olah’s views on AGI safety
Comments on Carlsmith's “Is power-seeking AI an existential risk?”
Adam Scholl
The Parable of Predict-O-Matic
Let’s think about slowing down AI
human psycholinguists: a critical appraisal
larger language models may disappoint you [or, an eternally unfinished draft]
Daniel Kokotajlo
Against GDP as a metric for timelines and takeoff speeds
Arguments about fast takeoff
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Six Dimensions of Operational Adequacy in AGI Projects

Technical AI Safety

Some AI research areas and their relevance to existential safety
EfficientZero: How It Works
Security Mindset: Lessons from 20+ years of Software Security Failures Relevant to AGI Alignment
Decision theory does not imply that we get to have nice things
Reward is not the optimization target
Worlds Where Iterative Design Fails
Specification gaming examples in AI
Rafael Harth
Inner Alignment: Explain like I'm 12 Edition
An overview of 11 proposals for building safe advanced AI
Alignment By Default
How To Go From Interpretability To Alignment: Just Retarget The Search
Alex Flint
Search versus design
Selection vs Control
Mark Xu
The Solomonoff Prior is Malign
My research methodology
Eliezer Yudkowsky
The Rocket Alignment Problem
Eliezer Yudkowsky
AGI Ruin: A List of Lethalities
A central AI alignment problem: capabilities generalization, and the sharp left turn
Reframing Impact
Scott Garrabrant
Robustness to Scale
Inaccessible information
Seeking Power is Often Convergently Instrumental in MDPs
On how various plans miss the hard bits of the alignment challenge
Alignment Research Field Guide
The strategy-stealing assumption
Optimality is the tiger, and agents are its teeth
Sam Ringer
Models Don't "Get Reward"
The Pointers Problem: Human Values Are A Function Of Humans' Latent Variables
Language models seem to be much better than humans at next-token prediction
An Untrollable Mathematician Illustrated
An Orthodox Case Against Utility Functions
Selection Theorems: A Program For Understanding Agents
Rohin Shah
Coherence arguments do not entail goal-directed behavior
Alex Flint
The ground of optimization
Where I agree and disagree with Eliezer
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Ngo and Yudkowsky on alignment difficulty
Embedded Agents
Risks from Learned Optimization: Introduction
chinchilla's wild implications
Why Agent Foundations? An Overly Abstract Explanation
Paul's research agenda FAQ
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities
Open question: are minimal circuits daemon-free?
Gradient hacking
Causal Scrubbing: a method for rigorously testing interpretability hypotheses [Redwood Research]
Humans provide an untapped wealth of evidence about alignment
Neel Nanda
A Mechanistic Interpretability Analysis of Grokking
How "Discovering Latent Knowledge in Language Models Without Supervision" Fits Into a Broader Alignment Scheme
Understanding “Deep Double Descent”
Quintin Pope
The shard theory of human values
Inner and outer alignment decompose one hard problem into two extremely hard problems
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Challenges to Christiano’s capability amplification proposal
Scott Garrabrant
Finite Factored Sets
ARC's first technical report: Eliciting Latent Knowledge
Introduction To The Infra-Bayesianism Sequence
Towards a New Impact Measure

A collection of 11 different proposals for building safe advanced AI under the current machine learning paradigm. There's a lot of literature out there laying out various different approaches, but a lot of that literature focuses primarily on outer alignment at the expense of inner alignment and doesn't provide direct comparisons between approaches. 

16Daniel Kokotajlo
This post is the best overview of the field so far that I know of. I appreciate how it frames things in terms of outer/inner alignment and training/performance competitiveness--it's very useful to have a framework with which to evaluate proposals and this is a pretty good framework I think. Since it was written, this post has been my go-to reference both for getting other people up to speed on what the current AI alignment strategies look like (even though this post isn't exhaustive). Also, I've referred back to it myself several times. I learned a lot from it. I hope that this post grows into something more extensive and official -- maybe an Official Curated List of Alignment Proposals, Summarized and Evaluated with Commentary and Links. Such a list could be regularly updated and would be very valuable for several reasons, some of which I mentioned in this comment.

What if we don't need to solve AI alignment? What if AI systems will just naturally learn human values as they get more capable? John Wentworth explores this possibility, giving it about a 10% chance of working. The key idea is that human values may be a "natural abstraction" that powerful AI systems learn by default.

8Steve Byrnes
I’ll set aside what happens “by default” and focus on the interesting technical question of whether this post is describing a possible straightforward-ish path to aligned superintelligent AGI. The background idea is “natural abstractions”. This is basically a claim that, when you use an unsupervised world-model-building learning algorithm, its latent space tends to systematically learn some patterns rather than others. Different learning algorithms will converge on similar learned patterns, because those learned patterns are a property of the world, not an idiosyncrasy of the learning algorithm. For example: Both human brains and ConvNets seem to have a “tree” abstraction; neither human brains nor ConvNets seem to have a “head or thumb but not any other body part” concept. I kind of agree with this. I would say that the patterns are a joint property of the world and an inductive bias. I think the relevant inductive biases in this case are something like: (1) “patterns tend to recur”, (2) “patterns tend to be localized in space and time”, and (3) “patterns are frequently composed of multiple other patterns, which are near to each other in space and/or time”, and maybe other things. The human brain definitely is wired up to find patterns with those properties, and ConvNets to a lesser extent. These inductive biases are evidently very useful, and I find it very likely that future learning algorithms will share those biases, even more than today’s learning algorithms. So I’m basically on board with the idea that there may be plenty of overlap between the world-models of various different unsupervised world-model-building learning algorithms, one of which is the brain. (I would also add that I would expect “natural abstractions” to be a matter of degree, not binary. We can, after all, form the concept “head or thumb but not any other body part”. It would just be extremely low on the list of things that would pop into our head when trying to make sense of something we’

The Solomonoff prior is a mathematical formalization of Occam's razor. It's intended to provide a way to assign probabilities to observations based on their simplicity. However, the simplest programs that predict observations well might be universes containing intelligent agents trying to influence the predictions. This makes the Solomonoff prior "malign" - its predictions are influenced by the preferences of simulated beings. 

24Vanessa Kosoy
This post is a review of Paul Christiano's argument that the Solomonoff prior is malign, along with a discussion of several counterarguments and countercounterarguments. As such, I think it is a valuable resource for researchers who want to learn about the problem. I will not attempt to distill the contents: the post is already a distillation, and does a a fairly good job of it. Instead, I will focus on what I believe is the post's main weakness/oversight. Specifically, the author seems to think the Solomonoff prior is, in some way, a distorted model of reasoning, and that the attack vector in question can attributed to this, at least partially. This is evident in phrases such as "unintuitive notion of simplicity" and "the Solomonoff prior is very strange". This is also why the author thinks the speed prior might help and that "since it is difficult to compute the Solomonoff prior, [the attack vector] might not be relevant in the real world". In contrast, I believe that the attack vector is quite robust and will threaten any sufficiently powerful AI as long as it's cartesian (more on "cartesian" later). Formally analyzing this question is made difficult by the essential role of non-realizability. That is, the attack vector arises from the AI reasoning about "possible universes" and "simulation hypotheses" which are clearly phenomena that are computationally infeasible for the AI to simulate precisely. Invoking Solomonoff induction dodges this issue since Solomonoff induction is computationally unbounded, at the cost of creating the illusion that the conclusions are a symptom of using Solomonoff induction (and, it's still unclear how to deal with the fact Solomonoff induction itself cannot exist in the universes that Solomonoff induction can learn). Instead, we should be using models that treat non-realizability fairly, such as infra-Bayesiansim. However, I will make no attempt to present such a formal analysis in this review. Instead, I will rely on painting an in
This post is an excellent distillation of a cluster of past work on maligness of Solomonoff Induction, which has become a foundational argument/model for inner agency and malign models more generally. I've long thought that the maligness argument overlooks some major counterarguments, but I never got around to writing them up. Now that this post is up for the 2020 review, seems like a good time to walk through them. In Solomonoff Model, Sufficiently Large Data Rules Out Malignness There is a major outside-view reason to expect that the Solomonoff-is-malign argument must be doing something fishy: Solomonoff Induction (SI) comes with performance guarantees. In the limit of large data, SI performs as well as the best-predicting program, in every computably-generated world. The post mentions that: ... but in the large-data limit, SI's guarantees are stronger than just that. In the large-data limit, there is no computable way of making better predictions than the Solomonoff prior in any world. Thus, agents that are influencing the Solomonoff prior cannot gain long-term influence in any computable world; they have zero degrees of freedom to use for influence. It does not matter if they specialize in influencing worlds in which they have short strings; they still cannot use any degrees of freedom for influence without losing all their influence in the large-data limit. Takeaway of this argument: as long as we throw enough data at our Solomonoff inductor before asking it for any outputs, the malign agent problem must go away. (Though note that we never know exactly how much data that is; all we have is a big-O argument with an uncomputable constant.) ... but then how the hell does this outside-view argument jive with all the inside-view arguments about malign agents in the prior? Reflection Breaks The Large-Data Guarantees There's an important gotcha in those guarantees: in the limit of large data, SI performs as well as the best-predicting program, in every compu

An optimizing system is a physically closed system containing both that which is being optimized and that which is doing the optimizing, and defined by a tendency to evolve from a broad basin of attraction towards a small set of target configurations despite perturbations to the system. 

16Vanessa Kosoy
In this post, the author proposes a semiformal definition of the concept of "optimization". This is potentially valuable since "optimization" is a word often used in discussions about AI risk, and much confusion can follow from sloppy use of the term or from different people understanding it differently. While the definition given here is a useful perspective, I have some reservations about the claims made about its relevance and applications. The key paragraph, which summarizes the definition itself, is the following: In fact, "continues to exhibit this tendency with respect to the same target configuration set despite perturbations" is redundant: clearly as long as the perturbation doesn't push the system out of the basin, the tendency must continue. This is what is known as "attractor" in dynamical systems theory. For comparison, here is the definition of "attractor" from the Wikipedia: The author acknowledges this connection, although he also makes the following remark: I find this remark confusing. An attractor that operates along a subset of the dimension is just an attractor submanifold. This is completely standard in dynamical systems theory. Given that the definition itself is not especially novel, the post's main claim to value is via the applications. Unfortunately, some of the proposed applications seem to me poorly justified. Specifically, I want to talk about two major examples: the claimed relationship to embedded agency and the claimed relations to comprehensive AI services. In both cases, the main shortcoming of the definition is that there is an essential property of AI that this definition doesn't capture at all. The author does acknowledge that "goal-directed agent system" is a distinct concept from "optimizing systems". However, he doesn't explain how are they distinct. One way to formulate the difference is as follows: agency = optimization + learning. An agent is not just capable of steering a particular universe towards a certain outc

Human values are functions of latent variables in our minds. But those variables may not correspond to anything in the real world. How can an AI optimize for our values if it doesn't know what our mental variables are "pointing to" in reality? This is the Pointers Problem - a key conceptual barrier to AI alignment. 

9Vanessa Kosoy
This post states a subproblem of AI alignment which the author calls "the pointers problem". The user is regarded as an expected utility maximizer, operating according to causal decision theory. Importantly, the utility function depends on latent (unobserved) variables in the causal network. The AI operates according to a different, superior, model of the world. The problem is then, how do we translate the utility function from the user's model to the AI's model? This is very similar to the "ontological crisis" problem described by De Blanc, only De Blanc uses POMDPs instead of causal networks, and frames it in terms of a single agent changing their ontology, rather than translation from user to AI. The question the author asks here is important, but not that novel (the author himself cites Demski as prior work). Perhaps the use of causal networks is a better angle, but this post doesn't do much to show it. Even so, having another exposition of an important topic, with different points of emphasis, will probably benefit many readers. The primary aspect missing from the discussion in the post, in my opinion, is the nature of the user as a learning agent. The user doesn't have a fixed world-model: or, if they do, then this model is best seen as a prior. This observation hints at the resolution of the apparent paradox wherein the utility function is defined in terms of a wrong model. But it still requires us to explain how the utility is defined s.t. it is applicable to every hypothesis in the prior. (What follows is no longer a "review" per se, inasmuch as a summary of my own thoughts on the topic.) Here is a formal model of how a utility function for learning agents can work, when it depends on latent variables. Fix A a set of actions and O a set of observations. We start with an ontological model which is a crisp infra-POMPD. That is, there is a set of states Sont, an initial state s0ont∈Sont, a transition infra-kernel Tont:Sont×A→□(Sont×O) and a reward functio
Why This Post Is Interesting This post takes a previously-very-conceptually-difficult alignment problem, and shows that we can model this problem in a straightforward and fairly general way, just using good ol' Bayesian utility maximizers. The formalization makes the Pointers Problem mathematically legible: it's clear what the problem is, it's clear why the problem is important and hard for alignment, and that clarity is not just conceptual but mathematically precise. Unfortunately, mathematical legibility is not the same as accessibility; the post does have a wide inductive gap. Warning: Inductive Gap This post builds on top of two important pieces for modelling embedded agents which don't have their own posts (to my knowledge). The pieces are: * Lazy world models * Lazy utility functions (or value functions more generally) In hindsight, I probably should have written up separate posts on them; they seem obvious once they click, but they were definitely not obvious beforehand. Lazy World Models One of the core conceptual difficulties of embedded agency is that agents need to reason about worlds which are bigger than themselves. They're embedded in the world, therefore the world must be as big as the entire agent plus whatever environment the world includes outside of the agent. If the agent has a model of the world, the physical memory storing that model must itself fit inside of the world. The data structure containing the world model must represent a world larger than the storage space the data structure takes up. That sounds tricky at first, but if you've done some functional programming before, then data structures like this actually pretty run-of-the-mill. For instance, we can easily make infinite lists which take up finite memory. The trick is to write a generator for the list, and then evaluate it lazily - i.e. only query for list elements which we actually need, and never actually iterate over the whole thing. In the same way, we can represent

AI researcher Paul Christiano discusses the problem of "inaccessible information" - information that AI systems might know but that we can't easily access or verify. He argues this could be a key obstacle in AI alignment, as AIs may be able to use inaccessible knowledge to pursue goals that conflict with human interests.


Inner alignment refers to the problem of aligning a machine learning model's internal goals (mesa-objective) with the intended goals we are optimizing for externally (base objective). Even if we specify the right base objective, the model may develop its own misaligned mesa-objective through the training process. This poses challenges for AI safety. 

6David Manheim
This post is both a huge contribution, giving a simpler and shorter explanation of a critical topic, with a far clearer context, and has been useful to point people to as an alternative to the main sequence. I wouldn't promote it as more important than the actual series, but I would suggest it as a strong alternative to including the full sequence in the 2020 Review. (Especially because I suspect that those who are very interested are likely to have read the full sequence, and most others will not even if it is included.)

Abram argues against assuming that rational agents have utility functions over worlds (which he calls the "reductive utility" view). Instead, he points out that you can have a perfectly valid decision theory where agents just have preferences over events, without having to assume there's some underlying utility function over worlds.

14Vanessa Kosoy
In this post, the author presents a case for replacing expected utility theory with some other structure which has no explicit utility function, but only quantities that correspond to conditional expectations of utility. To provide motivation, the author starts from what he calls the "reductive utility view", which is the thesis he sets out to overthrow. He then identifies two problems with the view. The first problem is about the ontology in which preferences are defined. In the reductive utility view, the domain of the utility function is the set of possible universes, according to the best available understanding of physics. This is objectionable, because then the agent needs to somehow change the domain as its understanding of physics grows (the ontological crisis problem). It seems more natural to allow the agent's preferences to be specified in terms of the high-level concepts it cares about (e.g. human welfare or paperclips), not in terms of the microscopic degrees of freedom (e.g. quantum fields or strings). There are also additional complications related to the unobservability of rewards, and to "moral uncertainty". The second problem is that the reductive utility view requires the utility function to be computable. The author considers this an overly restrictive requirement, since it rules out utility functions such as in the procrastination paradox (1 is the button is ever pushed, 0 if the button is never pushed). More generally, computable utility function have to be continuous (in the sense of the topology on the space of infinite histories which is obtained from regarding it as an infinite cartesian product over time). The alternative suggested by the author is using the Jeffrey-Bolker framework. Alas, the author does not write down the precise mathematical definition of the framework, which I find frustrating. The linked article in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is long and difficult, and I wish the post had a succinct distillation of the
7Ben Pace
An Orthodox Case Against Utility Functions was a shocking piece to me. Abram spends the first half of the post laying out a view he suspects people hold, but he thinks is clearly wrong, which is a perspective that approaches things "from the starting-point of the universe". I felt dread reading it, because it was a view I held at the time, and I used as a key background perspective when I discussed bayesian reasoning. The rest of the post lays out an alternative perspective that "starts from the standpoint of the agent". Instead of my beliefs being about the universe, my beliefs are about my experiences and thoughts. I generally nod along to a lot of the 'scientific' discussion in the 21st century about how the universe works and how reasonable the whole thing is. But I don't feel I knew in-advance to expect the world around me to operate on simple mathematical principles and be so reasonable. I could've woken up in the Harry Potter universe of magic wands and spells. I know I didn't, but if I did, I think I would be able to act in it? I wouldn't constantly be falling over myself because I don't understand how 1 + 1 = 2 anymore? There's some place I'm starting from that builds up to an understanding of the universe, and doesn't sneak it in as an 'assumption'. And this is what this new perspective does that Abram lays out in technical detail. (I don't follow it all, for instance I don't recall why it's important that the former view assumes that utility is computable.) In conclusion, this piece is a key step from the existing philosophy of agents to the philosophy of embedded agents, or at least it was for me, and it changes my background perspective on rationality. It's the only post in the early vote that I gave +9. (This review is taken from my post Ben Pace's Controversial Picks for the 2020 Review.)

Vanessa and diffractor introduce a new approach to epistemology / decision theory / reinforcement learning theory called Infra-Bayesianism, which aims to solve issues with prior misspecification and non-realizability that plague traditional Bayesianism.

This post is still endorsed, it still feels like a continually fruitful line of research. A notable aspect of it is that, as time goes on, I keep finding more connections and crisper ways of viewing things which means that for many of the further linked posts about inframeasure theory, I think I could explain them from scratch better than the existing work does. One striking example is that the "Nirvana trick" stated in this intro (to encode nonstandard decision-theory problems), has transitioned from "weird hack that happens to work" to "pops straight out when you make all the math as elegant as possible". Accordingly, I'm working on a "living textbook" (like a textbook, but continually being updated with whatever cool new things we find) where I try to explain everything from scratch in the crispest way possible, to quickly catch up on the frontier of what we're working on. That's my current project. I still do think that this is a large and tractable vein of research to work on, and the conclusion hasn't changed much.

Andrew Critch lists several research areas that are seem important to AI existential safety, and evaluates them for direct helpfulness, educational value, and neglect. Along the way, he argues that the main way he sees present-day technical research helping is by anticipating, legitimizing and fulfilling governance demands for AI technology that will arise later.


How is it that we solve engineering problems? What is the nature of the design process that humans follow when building an air conditioner or computer program? How does this differ from the search processes present in machine learning and evolution?This essay studies search and design as distinct approaches to engineering, arguing that establishing trust in an artifact is tied to understanding how that artifact works, and that a central difference between search and design is the comprehensibility of the artifacts produced.