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DeepMind is an AI research laboratory that was founded in 2010 and acquired by Google in 2014. It is known for several record-breaking AI algorithms, often named with the prefix "Alpha", e.g. including AlphaGo, AlphaGo Zero, AlphaStarAlphaZero, AlphaStar, AlphaFold, AlphaCode, and AlphaFold.AlphaTensor.

DeepMind is an AI research laboratory that was founded in 2010 and acquired by Google in 2014. It is known for several record-breaking AI algorithms, often named with the prefix "Alpha", e.g. including AlphaGo, AlphaGo Zero, AlphaStar and AlphaFold.

DeepMind is an AI research laboratory that was acquired by Google [sometime].in 2014. It is known for several record-breaking AI algorithms, often named with the prefix "Alpha", e.g. including AlphaGo, AlphaGo Zero, AlphaStar and AlphaFold.

AlphaDeepMind is a prefix used to denote a set ofan AI algorithms developed by research laboratory DeepMind,that was acquired by Google [sometime]. It is known for several record-breaking AI algorithms, often named with the prefix "Alpha", e.g. including AlphaGo, AlphaGo Zero, AlphaStar and AlphaFold.

These algorithms have many architectural similarities and were developed by largely overlapping teams.

Alpha is a prefix used to denote a set of AI algorithms developed by research laboratory DeepMind, including AlphaGo, AlphaGo Zero, AlphaStar and AlphaFold.

These algorithms have many architectural similarities and were developed by largely overlapping teams.