
Nathan Young (+936)
Jim Babcock Bold the name
Yoav Ravid (+48)
Yoav Ravid (+64)
Ruben Bloom (+151)

Projects to help people improve their epistemics and individuals to contact:

  • Pastcasting - forecasting past results so you get instant feedback
  • Calibration - see how justified your own confidence is
    • https://www.quantifiedintuitions.org/calibration
  • Historical Base rates - much thinking requires knowing roughly how often things have happened in the past
    • Seems like Our World In Data might do some work here
    • There is at least one other effort
  • Increasing summarisation - making it easier to get a basic understanding on EA/LessWrong topics


Potential projects:

  • Displaying estimates
    • The Squiggle team seem focused on the first step of this
      • Ozzie Gooen
    • Nathan Young is interested in it


  • It is hard to build epistemic infrastructure among rationalists, because anyone who is capable of doing it can work on AI safety and most do

Epistemology is the study of how we know the world. It's both a topic in philosophy and a practical concern for how we come to believe things are true.