You are viewing revision 0.0.6, last edited by Tyrrell_McAllister

Ray Solomonoff defined an inference system that will learn to correctly predict any computable sequence with only the absolute minimum amount of data. This system, in a certain sense, is the perfect universal prediction algorithm. To summarize it very informally, Solomonoff induction works by:

  • Starting with all possible hypotheses (sequences) as represented by computer programs (that generate those sequences), weighted by their simplicity (2-n, where n is the program length);
  • Discarding those hypotheses that are inconsistent with the data.

Weighting hypotheses by simplicity, the system automatically incorporates a form of Occam's razor, which is why it has been playfully referred to as Solomonoff's lightsaber.

Solomonoff induction gets off the ground with a solution to the "problem of the priors". Suppose that you stand before a universal prefix Turing machine U. You are interested in a certain finite output string y0. In particular, you want to know the probability that U will produce the output y0 given a random input tape. This probability is the Solomonoff a priori probability of y0....

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