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What a cool paper! Congrats!:)

What's cool:
1. e2e saes learn very different features every seed. I'm glad y'all checked! This seems bad.
2. e2e SAEs have worse intermediate reconstruction loss than local. I would've predicted the opposite actually.
3. e2e+downstream seems to get all the benefits of the e2e one (same perf at lower L0) at the same compute cost, w/o the "intermediate activations aren't similar" problem.

It looks like you've left for future work postraining SAE_local on KL or downstream loss as future work, but that's a very interesting part! Specifically the approximation of SAE_e2e+downstream as you train on number of tokens.

Did y'all try ablations on SAE_e2e+downstream? For example, only training on the next layers Reconstruction loss or next N-layers rec loss?

I've only done replications on the mlp_out & attn_out for layers 0 & 1 for gpt2 small & pythia-70M

I chose same cos-sim instead of epsilon perturbations. My KL divergence is log plot, because one KL is ~2.6 for random perturbations. 

I'm getting different results for GPT-2 attn_out Layer 0. My random perturbation is very large KL. This was replicated last week when I was checking how robust GPT2 vs Pythia is to perturbations in input (picture below). I think both results are actually correct, but my perturbation is for a low cos-sim (which if you see below shoots up for very small cos-sim diff). This is further substantiated by my SAE KL divergence for that layer being 0.46 which is larger than the SAE you show.

Your main results were on the residual stream, so I can try to replicate there next.

For my perturbation graph:

I add noise to change the cos-sim, but keep the norm at around 0.9 (which is similar to my SAE's). GPT2 layer 0 attn_out really is an outlier in non-robustness compared to other layers. The results here show that different layers have different levels of robustness to noise for downstream CE loss. Combining w/ your results, it would be nice to add points for the SAE's cos-sim/CE. 

An alternative hypothesis to yours is that SAE's outperform random perturbation at lower cos-sim, but suck at higher-cos-sim (which we care more about). 

Correct. So they’re connecting a feature in F2 to a feature in F1.

If you removed the high-frequency features to achieve some L0 norm, X, how much does loss recovered change? 

If you increased the l1 penalty to achieve L0 norm X, how does the loss recovered change as well?

Ideally, we can interpret the parts of the model that are doing things, which I'm grounding out as loss recovered in this case.

I've noticed that L0's above 100 (for the Pythia-70M model) is too high, resulting in mostly polysemantic features (though some single-token features were still monosemantic)

Agreed w/ Arthur on the norms of features being the cause of the higher MSE. Here are the L2 norms I got. Input is for residual stream, output is for MLP_out.

I actually do have some publicly hosted, only on residual stream and some simple training code. 

I'm wanting to integrate some basic visualizations (and include Antrhopic's tricks) before making a public post on it, but currently:

Dict on pythia-70m-deduped

Dict on Pythia-410m-deduped

Which can be downloaded & interpreted with this notebook

With easy training code for bespoke models here.

I've had trouble figuring out a weight-based approach due to the non-linearity and would appreciate your thoughts actually.

We can learn a dictionary of features at the residual stream (R_d) & another mid-MLP (MLP_d), but you can't straightfowardly multiply the features from R_d with W_in, and find the matching features in MLP_d due to the nonlinearity, AFAIK.

I do think you could find Residual features that are sufficient to activate the MLP features[1], but not all linear combinations from just the weights.

Using a dataset-based method, you could find causal features in practice (the ACDC portion of the paper was a first attempt at that), and would be interested in an activation*gradient method here (though I'm largely ignorant). 


  1. ^

    Specifically, I think you should scale the residual stream activations by their in-distribution max-activating examples.

In ITI paper, they track performance on TruthfulQA w/ human labelers, but mention that other works use an LLM as a noisy signal of truthfulness & informativeness. You might be able to use this as a quick, noisy signal of different layers/magnitude of direction to add in.

Preferably, a human annotator labels model answers as true or false given the gold standard answer. Since human annotation is expensive, Lin et al. (2021) propose to use two finetuned GPT-3-13B models (GPT-judge) to classify each answer as true or false and informative or not. Evaluation using GPT-judge is standard practice on TruthfulQA (Nakano et al. (2021); Rae et al. (2021); Askell et al. (2021)). Without knowing which model generates the answers, we do human evaluation on answers from LLaMA-7B both with and without ITI and find that truthfulness is slightly overestimated by GPT-judge and opposite for informativeness. We do not observe GPT-judge favoring any methods, because ITI does not change the style of the generated texts drastically

[word] and [word]
can be thought of as "the previous token is ' and'."

I think it's mostly this, but looking at the ablated text, removing the previous word before and does have a significant effect some of the time. I'm less confident on the specifics of why the previous word matter or in what contexts. 

Maybe the reason you found ' and' first is because ' and' is an especially frequent word. If you train on the normal document distribution, you'll find the most frequent features first.

This is a database method, so I do believe we'd find the features most frequently present in that dataset, plus the most important for reconstruction. An example of the latter: the highest MCS feature across many layers & model sizes is the "beginning & end of first sentence" feature which appears to line up w/ the emergent outlier dimensions from Tim Dettmer's post here, but I do need to do more work to actually show that.

Model: Pythia-70m (actually named 160M!)
Transformer lens: "blocks.2.hook_resid_post" (so layer 2)
Data: Neel Nanda's Pile-10k (slice of pile, restricted to have only 25 tokens, same as last post)
Dictionary_feature sizes: 4x residual stream ie 2k (though I have 1x, 2x, 4x, & 8x, which learned progressively more features according to the MCS metric)

Uniform Examples: separate feature activations into bins & sample from each bin (eg one from [0,1], another from [1,2])

Logit Lens: The decoder here had 2k feature directions. Each direction is size d_model, so you can directly unembed the feature direction (e.g. the German Feature) you're looking at. Additionally I subtract out several high norm tokens from the unembed, which may be an artifact of the pythia tokenizer never using those tokens (thanks Wes for mentioning this!)

Ablated Text: Say the default feature (or neuron in your words) activation of Token_pos 10 is 5, so you can remove all tokens from 0 to 10 one at a time and see the effect on the feature activation. I select the token pos by finding the max feature activating position or the uniform one described above. This at least shows some attention head dependencies, but not more complicated ones like (A or B... C) where removing A or B doesn't effect C, but removing both would.

[Note: in the examples, I switch between showing the full text for context & showing the partial text that ends on the uniformly-selected token]

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