You are viewing revision 1.1.0, last edited by Daniel Trenor

Singularitarianism is an ideology that centers around the belief that a technological Singularity is a desirable and achievable goal for humanity in the near term future. Critics of Singularitarianism assert that it is a religious movement due to advocates believing in a future where death and disease have been eliminated, superintelligence has arrived and society becomes post-scarcity. Such a scenario is often mockingly referred to as the “rapture of the nerds”.

However, many Singularitarians will reject that the movement is a religion, arguing that they are free from authoritarian dogma, individuals are not required to have any mystical beliefs and there are no penalties for being a non-believer or any long term additional benefits for believers over non-believers.

Several leading figures from the movement have written extensively about what it means to be a Singularitarian. These include Ray Kurzweil, Eliezer Yudkowsky and Nick Bostrom, as well as countless academic papers from many others discussing the feasibility of Singularitarian technology.

There is also an active, online community and annual gatherings of Singularitarians at events such as the Singularity Summit.

See Also