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Thanks a lot for the elaboration!

in particular I still can't really put myself in the head of Friston, Clark, etc. so as to write a version of this that's in their language and speaks to their perspective.

Just a sidenote, one of my profs is part of the Bayesian CogSci crowd and was fairly frustrated with and critical of both Friston and Clark. We read one of Friston's papers in our journal club and came away thinking that Friston is reinventing a lot of wheels and using odd terms for known concepts.

For me, this paper by Sam Gershman helped a lot in understanding Friston's ideas, and this one by Laurence Aitchison and Máté Lengyel was useful, too. 

I would say that the generative models are a consortium of thousands of glued-together mini-generative-models

Cool, I like that idea, I previously thought about the models as fairly separated and bulky entities, that sounds much more plausible.


That's really interesting, I haven't thought about this much, but it seems very plausible and big if true (though I am likely biased as a Cognitive Science student). Do you think this might be turned into a concrete question to forecast for the Metaculus crowd, i.e. "Reverse-engineering neocortex algorithms will be the first way we get AGI"? The resolution might get messy if an org like DeepMind, with their fair share of computational neuroscientists, will be the ones who get there first, right?


As a (maybe misguided) side comment, model sketches like yours make me intuitively update for shorter AI timelines, because they give me a sense of a maturing field of computational cognitive science. Would be really interested in what others think about that.


That's super fascinating. I've dabbled a bit in all of those parts of your picture and seeing them put together like this feels really illuminating. I'd wish some predictive coding researcher would be so kind to give it a look, maybe somebody here knows someone?

During reading, I was a bit confused about the set of generative models or hypotheses. Do you have an example how this could concretely look like? For example, when somebody tosses me an apple, is there a generative model for different velocities and weights, or one generative model with an uncertainty distribution over those quantities? In the latter case, one would expect another updating-process acting "within" each generative model, right?