You are viewing revision 1.1.0, last edited by jacobjacob

Hosting an ultra online party requires briefing you party-goers on a few basics... 

The party takes place in the Walled Garden. Bear with us for 3 min while we cover the basics of how it works.


  • Refreshing will fix many issues
  • Wear headphones! This makes for a better experience for everyone, especially if you listen to the music.
  • The Garden won’t load from an incognito window



The images below walk you through the garden basics. 

You can rapid transit with our teleporter system of glowing compasses. They take you back and forth to the central area (Fey Village)


There's music! Turn on NYE Ultra Party Radio from anywhere. If you want to dance, head to the Opulent Ballroom. (If you have any issues, refresh your tab)


Many objects are interactive!! If it glows yellow press 'x' to interact. Press 'x' again to close an interaction.


Left Sidebar contains both Chat and People list.
There will be announcements in the chat.
You can message hosts for help.


If you get lost, click on your name in the bottom-middle toolbar (e.g. Ruby Online). Now you can reset your position to the start area.


GatherTown has private spaces, marked by little white rings. Those inside can only be seen by each other. Useful for smaller, limited conversations.


Protip: if you're engaged in a riveting conversation, you might want to expand people's videos to take up more space (Zoom-style). You do this by clicking the double-down arrow beneath the videos.

If you want to see these instructions again, just click "back" or click the event invite again. Otherwise, happy new year -- and don't forget to check the schedule to find and add activities!