Kelvin Santos

Co-founder and CEO of Interested in mechanism design and neuroscience. Hopes to contribute to AI alignment.



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One thing that appears to be missing on the filial imprinting story is a mechanism allowing the "mommy" thought assessor to improve or at least not degrade over time. 

The critical window is quite short, so many characteristics of mommy that may be very useful will not be perceived by the thought assessor in time. I would expect that after it recognizes something as mommy it is still malleable to learn more about what properties mommy has.

For example, after it recognizes mommy based on the vision, it may learn more about what sounds mommy makes, and what smell mommy has. Because these sounds/smalls are present when the vision-based mommy signal is present, the thought assessor should update to recognize sound/smell as indicative of mommy as well. This will help the duckling avoid mistaking some other ducks for mommy, and also help the ducklings find their mommy though other non-visual cues (even if the visual cues are what triggers the imprinting to begin with).

I suspect such a mechanism will be present even after the critical period is over. For example, humans sometimes feel emotionally attracted to objects that remind them or have become associated with loved ones. The attachment may be really strong (e.g. when the loved one is dead and only the object is left).

Also, your loved ones change over time, but you keep loving them! In "parental" imprinting for example, the initial imprinting is on the baby-like figure, generating a "my kid" thought assessor associated with the baby-like cues, but these need to change over time as the baby grows. So the "my kid" thought assessor has to continuously learn new properties.

Even more importantly, the learning subsystem is constantly changing, maybe even more than the external cues. If the learned representations change over time as the agent learns, the thought assessors have to keep up and do the same, otherwise their accuracy will slowly degrade over time.

This last part seems quite important for a rapidly learning/improving AGI, as we want the prosocial assessors to be robust to ontological drift. So we both want the AGI to do the initial "symbol-grounding" of desirable proto-traits close to kindness/submissiveness, and also for its steering subsystem to learn more about these concepts over time, so that they "converge" to favoring sensible concepts in an ontologically advanced world-model.