
GDM Mech Interp Progress Updates
Fact Finding: Attempting to Reverse-Engineer Factual Recall on the Neuron Level
Interpreting Othello-GPT
200 Concrete Open Problems in Mechanistic Interpretability

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There's been a fair amount of work on activation steering and similar techniques,, with bearing in eg sycophancy and truthfulness, where you find the vector and inject it eg Rimsky et al and Zou et al. It seems to work decently well. We found it hard to bypass refusal by steering and instead got it to work by ablation, which I haven't seen much elsewhere, but I could easily be missing references

Re dictionary width, 2**17 (~131K) for most Gated SAEs, 3*(2**16) for baseline SAEs, except for the (Pythia-2.8B, Residual Stream) sites we used 2**15 for Gated and 3*(2**14) for baseline since early runs of these had lots of feature death. (This'll be added to the paper soon, sorry!). I'll leave the other Qs for my co-authors

I haven't fully worked through the maths, but I think both IG and attribution patching break down here? The fundamental problem is that the discontinuity is invisible to IG because it only takes derivatives. Eg the ReLU and Jump ReLU below look identical from the perspective of IG, but not from the perspective of activation patching, I think.

Great work! Obviously the results here speak for themselves, but I especially wanted to complement the authors on the writing. I thought this paper was a pleasure to read, and easily a top 5% exemplar of clear technical writing. Thanks for putting in the effort on that.

<3 Thanks so much, that's extremely kind. Credit entirely goes to Sen and Arthur, which is even more impressive given that they somehow took this from a blog post to a paper in a two week sprint! (including re-running all the experiments!!)

Thanks! I read and enjoyed the book based on this recommendation

Thanks for writing this up, I found it useful to have some of the maths spelled out! In particular, I think that the equation constraining l, the number of simultaneously active features, is likely crucial for constraining the number of features in superposition

We dig into this in post 3. The layers compose importantly with each other and don't seem to be doing the same thing in parallel, path patching the internal connections will break things, so I don't think it's like what you're describing

The illusion is most concerning when learning arbitrary directions in space, not when iterating over individual neurons OR SAE features. I don't have strong takes on whether the illusion is more likely with neurons than SAEs if you're eg iterating over sparse subsets, in some sense it's more likely that you get a dormant and a disconnected feature in your SAE than as neurons since they are more meaningful?

Interesting post, thanks for writing it!

I think that the QK section somewhat under-emphasises the importance of the softmax. My intuition is that models rarely care about as precise a task as counting the number of pairs of matching query-key features at each pair of token positions, and that instead softmax is more of an "argmax-like" function that finds a handful of important token positions (though I have not empirically tested this, and would love to be proven wrong!). This enables much cheaper and more efficient solutions, since you just need the correct answer to be the argmax-ish.

For example, ignoring floating point precision, you can implement a duplicate token head with and arbitrarily high . If there are vocab elements, map the th query and key to the point of the way round the unit circle. The dot product is maximised when they are equal.

If you further want the head to look at a resting position unless the duplicate token is there, you can increase , and have a dedicated BOS dimension with a score of , so you only get a higher score for a perfect match. And then make the softmax temperature super low so it's an argmax.

These models were not trained with dropout. Nice idea though!

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