Steve Byrnes

I'm an AGI safety / AI alignment researcher in Boston with a particular focus on brain algorithms. Research Fellow at Astera. See for a summary of my research and sorted list of writing. Physicist by training. Email: Leave me anonymous feedback here. I’m also at: RSS feed , X/Twitter , Bluesky , Mastodon , Threads , GitHub , Wikipedia , Physics-StackExchange , LinkedIn


Intro to Brain-Like-AGI Safety

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How about “purely epistemic” means “updated by self-supervised learning”, i.e. the updates (gradients, trader bankrolls, whatever) are derived from “things being true vs false” as opposed to “things being good vs bad”. Right?

[I learned the term teleosemantics from you!  :) ]

The original LI paper was in that category, IIUC. The updates (to which traders had more vs less money) are derived from mathematical propositions being true vs false.

LI defines a notion of logically uncertain variable, which can be used to represent desires

I would say that they don’t really represent desires. They represent expectations about what’s going to happen, possibly including expectations about an AI’s own actions.

And then you can then put the LI into a larger system that follows the rule: whatever the expectations are about the AI’s own actions, make that actually happen.

The important thing that changes in this situation is that the convergence of the algorithm is underdetermined—you can have multiple fixed points. I can expect to stand up, and then I stand up, and my expectation was validated. No update. I can expect to stay seated, and then I stay seated, and my expectation was validated. No update.

(I don’t think I’m saying anything you don’t already know well.)

Anyway, if you do that, then I guess you could say that the LI’s expectations “can be used” to represent desires … but I maintain that that’s a somewhat confused and unproductive way to think about what’s going on. If I intervene to change the LI variable, it would be analogous to changing habits (what do I expect myself to do ≈ which action plans seem most salient and natural), not analogous to changing desires.

(I think the human brain has a system vaguely like LI, and that it resolves the underdetermination by a separate valence system, which evaluates expectations as being good vs bad, and applies reinforcement learning to systematically seek out the good ones.)

beliefs can have impacts on the world if the world looks at them

…Indeed, what I said above is just a special case. Here’s something more general and elegant. You have the core LI system, and then some watcher system W, which reads off some vector of internal variables V of the core LI system, and then W takes actions according to some function A(V).

After a while, the LI system will automatically catch onto what W is doing, and “learn” to interpret V as an expectation that A(V) is going to happen.

I think the central case is that W is part of the larger AI system, as above, leading to normal agent-like behavior (assuming some sensible system for resolving the underdetermination). But in theory W could also be humans peeking into the LI system and taking actions based on what they see. Fundamentally, these aren’t that different.

So whatever solution we come up with to resolve the underdetermination, whether human-brain-like “valence” or something else, that solution ought to work for the humans-peeking-into-the-LI situation just as it works for the normal W-is-part-of-the-larger-AI situation.

(But maybe weird things would happen before convergence. And also, if you don’t have any system at all to resolve the underdetermination, then probably the results would be weird and hard to reason about.)

Also, it is easy for end users to build agentlike things out of belieflike things by making queries about how to accomplish things. Thus, we need to train epistemic systems to be responsible about how such queries are answered (as is already apparent in existing chatbots).

I’m not sure that this is coming from a coherent threat model (or else I don’t follow).

  • If Dr. Evil trains his own AGI, then this whole thing is moot, because he wants the AGI to have accurate beliefs about bioweapons.
  • If Benevolent Bob trains the AGI and gives API access to Dr. Evil, then Bob can design the AGI to (1) have accurate beliefs about bioweapons, and (2) not answer Dr. Evil’s questions about bioweapons. That might ideally look like what we’re used to in the human world: the AGI says things because it wants to say those things, all things considered, and it doesn’t want Dr. Evil to build bioweapons, either directly or because it’s guessing what Bob would want.

This is a confusing post from my perspective, because I think of LI as being about beliefs and corrigibility being about desires.

If I want my AGI to believe that the sky is green, I guess it’s good if it’s possible to do that. But it’s kinda weird, and not a central example of corrigibility.

Admittedly, one can try to squish beliefs and desires into the same framework. The Active Inference people do that. Does LI do that too? If so, well, I’m generally very skeptical of attempts to do that kind of thing. See here, especially Section 7. In the case of humans, it’s perfectly possible for a plan to seem desirable but not plausible, or for a plan to seem plausible but not desirable. I think there are very good reasons that our brains are set up that way.

Sure, but the way it's described, it sounds like there's one adjustable parameter in the source code. If the setup allows for thousands of independently-adjustable parameters in the source code, that seems potentially useful but I'd want to know more details.

To add onto this comment, let’s say there’s self-other overlap dial—e.g. a multiplier on the KL divergence or whatever.

  • When the dial is all the way at the max setting, you get high safety and terribly low capabilities. The AI can’t explain things to people because it assumes they already know everything the AI knows. The AI can't conceptualize the idea that if Jerome is going to file the permits, then the AI should not itself also file the same permits. The AI wants to eat food, or else the AI assumes that Jerome does not want to eat food. The AI thinks it has arms, or else thinks that Jerome doesn’t. Etc.
  • When the dial is all the way at the zero setting, it’s not doing anything—there’s no self-other overlap penalty term in the training. No safety, but also no capabilities tax.

So as you move the dial from zero to max, at some point (A) the supposed safety benefits start arising, and also at some point (B) the capabilities issues start arising. I think the OP is assuming without argument that (A) happens first, and (B) happens second. If it’s the other way around—(B) happens first, and (A) happens much later, as you gradually crank up the dial—then it’s not a problem you can solve with “minimal self-other distinction while maintaining performance”, instead the whole approach is doomed, right?

I think a simple intuition that (B) would happen before (A) is just that the very basic idea that “different people (and AIs) have different beliefs”, e.g. passing the Sally-Anne test, is already enough to open the door to AI deception, but also a very basic requirement for capabilities, one would think.

It seems pretty obvious to me that if (1) if a species of bacteria lives in an extremely uniform / homogeneous / stable external environment, it will eventually evolve to not have any machinery capable of observing and learning about its external environment; (2) such a bacterium would still be doing lots of complex homeostasis stuff, reproduction, etc., such that it would be pretty weird to say that these bacteria have fallen outside the scope of Active Inference theory. (I.e., my impression was that the foundational assumptions / axioms of Free Energy Principle / Active Inference were basically just homeostasis and bodily integrity, and this hypothetical bacterium would still have both of those things.) (Disclosure: I’m an Active Inference skeptic.)

This doesn't sound like an argument Yudkowsky would make

Yeah, I can’t immediately find the link but I recall that Eliezer had a tweet in the past few months along the lines of: If ASI wants to tile the universe with one thing, then it wipes out humanity. If ASI wants to tile the universe with sixteen things , then it also wipes out humanity.

My mental-model-of-Yudkowsky would bring up “tiny molecular squiggles” in particular for reasons a bit more analogous to the CoastRunners behavior (video)—if any one part of the motivational system is (what OP calls) decomposable etc., then the ASI would find the “best solution” to maximizing that part. And if numbers matter, then the “best solution” would presumably be many copies of some microscopic thing.

Yeah when I say things like “I expect LLMs to plateau before TAI”, I tend not to say it with the supremely high confidence and swagger that you’d hear from e.g. Yann LeCun, François Chollet, Gary Marcus, Dileep George, etc. I’d be more likely to say “I expect LLMs to plateau before TAI … but, well, who knows, I guess. Shrug.” (The last paragraph of this comment is me bringing up a scenario with a vaguely similar flavor to the thing you’re pointing at.)

I feel like “Will LLMs scale to AGI?” is right up there with “Should there be government regulation of large ML training runs?” as a black-hole-like attractor state that sucks up way too many conversations. :) I want to fight against that: this post is not about the question of whether or not LLMs will scale to AGI.

Rather, this post is conditioned on the scenario where future AGI will be an algorithm that (1) does not involve LLMs, and (2) will be invented by human AI researchers, as opposed to being invented by future LLMs (whether scaffolded, multi-modal, etc. or not). This is a scenario that I want to talk about; and if you assign an extremely low credence to that scenario, then whatever, we can agree to disagree. (If you want to argue about what credence is appropriate, you can try responding to me here or links therein, but note that I probably won’t engage, it’s generally not a topic I like to talk about for “infohazard” reasons [see footnote here if anyone reading this doesn’t know what that means].)

I find that a lot of alignment researchers don’t treat this scenario as their modal expectation, but still assign it like >10% credence, which is high enough that we should be able to agree that thinking through that scenario is a good use of time.

Yeah we already know that LLM training finds underlying patterns that are helpful for explaining / compressing / predicting the training data. Like “the vibe of Victorian poetry”. I’m not sure what you mean by “none of which are present in the training data”. Is the vibe of Victorian poetry present in the training data? I would have said “yeah” but I’m not sure what you have in mind.

One interesting result here, I think, is that the LLM is then able to explicitly write down the definition of f(blah), despite the fact that the fine-tuning training set didn't demand anything like this. That ability – to translate the latent representation of f(blah) into humanese – appeared coincidentally, as the result of the SGD chiseling-in some module for merely predicting f(blah).

I kinda disagree that this is coincidental. My mental image is something like

  1. The earliest layers see inputs of the form f(…)
  2. Slightly later layers get into an activation state that we might describe as “the idea of the function x-176”
  3. The rest of the layers make inferences and emit outputs appropriate to that idea.

I’m claiming that before fine-tuning, everything is already in place except for the 1→2 connection. Fine-tuning just builds the 1→2 connection.

The thing you mention—that an LLM with the idea of x-176 in mind can output the tokens “x-176”—is part of step 3, and therefore (I hypothesize) comes entirely from LLM pretraining, not from this fine-tuning process

The fact that pretraining can and does build that aspect of step 3 seems pretty much expected to me, not coincidental, as such a connection is obviously useful for predicting GitHub code and math homework and a zillion other things in the training data. It’s also something you can readily figure out by playing with an LLM: if you say “if I subtract 6 from x-170, what do I get?”, then it’s obviously able to output the tokens “x-176”.

Here’s how I’m thinking of this result right now. Recall that we start with a normal LLM, and then 32,000 times (or whatever) we gradient-update it such that its f(blah) = blah predictions are better.

The starting LLM has (in effect) a ton of information-rich latent variables / representations that comprise the things that the LLM “understands” and can talk about. For example, obviously the concept of “x-176” is a thing that the LLM can work with, answer questions about, and so on. So there has to be something in the guts of the LLM that’s able to somehow represent that concept.

Anyway “f(blah)” doesn’t start out triggering any of these latent representations in particular. (Or, well, it triggers the ones related to how f(blah) is used in internet text, e.g. as a generic math function.) But it does presumably trigger all of them to some tiny random extent. And then each of the 32,000 gradient descent update steps will strengthen the connection between “f(blah)” and the particular “concept” / latent representation / whatever of “x-176”. …Until eventually the fine-tuned LLM is strongly invoking this preexisting “concept” / representation / activation-state / whatever of “x-176”, whenever it sees “f”. And then yeah of course it can answer questions about “f” and so on—we already know that LLMs can do those kinds of things if you activate that same “x-176” concept the old-fashioned way (by writing it in the context window).

(To be clear, I don’t think the variable name “f” is an important ingredient here; in fact, I didn’t understand the discussion of why that would ever be expected in the first place. For example, in the mixture-of-functions case, the LLM would be gradually getting tweaked such that an input of the type “User: [number]” activates such-and-such concept in the guts of the LLM. Or in fact, maybe in that case the LLM is getting tweaked such that any input at all activates such-and-such concept in the guts of the LLM!)

(Also, to be clear, I don’t think it’s necessary or important that the LLM has already seen the specific function “x-176” during pretraining. Whether it has seen that or not, the fact remains that I can log in and ask GPT-4 to talk about “x-176” right now, and it can easily do so. So, like I said, there has to be something in the guts of the LLM that’s able to somehow represent that “concept”, and whatever that thing is, fine-tuning gradient descent will eventually tweak the weights such that that thing gets triggered by the input “f(blah)”.) (Indeed, it should be super obvious and uncontroversial to say that LLMs can somehow represent and manipulate “concepts” that were nowhere in the training data—e.g. “Gandalf as a Martian pirate”.)

Anyway, in my mental model spelled out above, I now think your results are unsurprising, and I also think your use of the word “reasoning” seems a bit dubious, unless we’re gonna say that LLMs are “reasoning” every time they output a token, which I personally probably wouldn’t say, but whatever. (I also have long complained about the term “in-context learning” so maybe I’m just a stick-in-the-mud on these kinds of things.)

[not really my area of expertise, sorry if I said anything stupid.]

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