Here, we define a bunch of ways to construct new (additive/multiplicative) (sub/super)-(agents/environments) from a given Cartesian frame. Throughout this post, we will start with a single Cartesian frame over W, C=(A,E,⋅).
We will start by defining operations from taking subsets and partitions of A and E. We will then define similar operations from taking subsets and partitions of W.
1. Definitions from Agents and Environments
1.1. Committing
Definition: Given a subset B⊆A, let CommitB(C) denote the Cartesian frame (B,E,⋆), with ⋆ given by b⋆e=b⋅e. Let Commit∖B(C) denote the Cartesian frame (A∖B,E,⋄), with ⋄ given by a⋄e=a⋅e.
CommitB(C) represents the perspective you get when the agent of C makes a commitment to choose an element of B, while Commit∖B(C) represents the perspective you get when the agent of C makes a commitment to choose an element outside of B.
Claim: For all B⊆A, CommitB(C)◃+C and Commit∖B(C)◃+C. Further, Commit∖B(C) and CommitB(C) are brothers in C.
Observe that CommitB(C)⊕Commit∖B(C)=(A,E×E,∙), where ∙ is given by a∙(e,f)=a⋅e if a∈B, and a∙(e,f)=a⋅f if a∉B. Let D⊂E×E be the diagonal, {(e,e)|e∈E}. We clearly have that (A,D,∙′) is in CommitB(C)⊞Commit∖B(C), where ∙′ is the restriction of ∙ to A×D, and that (A,D,∙′)≅C; so Commit∖B(C)◃+C and CommitB(C)◃+C are brothers in C. □
Proof: Trivial. □
1.2. Assuming
Assuming is the dual operation to committing.
Definition: Given a subset F⊆E, let AssumeF(C) denote the Cartesian frame (A,F,⋆), with ⋆ given by a⋆f=a⋅f. Let Assume∖F(C) denote the Cartesian frame (A,E∖F,⋄), with ⋄ given by a⋄e=a⋅e.
AssumeF(C) represents the perspective you get when you assume the environment is chosen from F, while Assume∖F(C) represents the perspective you get when you assume the environment is chosen from outside of F.
In "Introduction to Cartesian Frames" §3.2 (Examples of Controllables), I noted the counter-intuitive result that agents have no control in worlds where a meteor (or other event) could have prevented their existence:
Here, we see that we can use Assume∖F(C) to recover the more intuitive idea of "control." The subagent modified by the assumption "there's no meteor" can have controllables, even though the original agent has no controllables:
Claim: For all F⊆E, (AssumeF(C))∗≅CommitF(C∗) and (Assume∖F(C))∗≅Commit∖F(C∗). Similarly, for all B⊆A, (CommitB(C))∗≅AssumeB(C∗) and (Commit∖B(C))∗≅Assume∖B(C∗).
Proof: Trivial. □
Claim: For all F⊆E, C◃∗+AssumeF(C) and C◃∗+Assume∖F(C).
Proof: Trivial. □
1.3. Externalizing
Note that for the following definitions, when we say "X is a partition of Y," we mean that X is a set of nonempty subsets of Y, such that for each y∈Y, there exists a unique x∈X such that y∈x.
Definition: Given a partition X of Y, let Y/X denote the set of all functions q from X to Y such that q(x)∈x for all x∈X.
Definition: Given a partition B of A, let ExternalB(C) denote the Cartesian Frame (A/B,B×E,⋆), where ⋆ is given by q⋆(b,e)=q(b)⋅e. Let External/B(C) denote the Cartesian Frame (B,A/B×E,⋄), where ⋄ is given by b⋄(q,e)=q(b)⋅e.
We say "externalizing B" for ExternalB and "externalizing mod B" for External/B.
ExternalB(C) can be thought of the result of the agent of C first factoring its choice into choosing an equivalence class in B, and choosing an element of each equivalence class, and then externalizing the part of itself that chooses an equivalence class. I.e., we are drawing a new Cartesian frame which treats the choice of equivalence class as part of the environment, rather than part of the agent.
Similarly, External/B(C) can be thought of the result of the agent of C factoring as above, then externalizing the part of itself that chooses an element of each equivalence class.
Claim: For all partitions B of A, ExternalB(C)◃×C and External/B(C)◃×C. Further, ExternalB(C) and External/B(C) are sisters in C.
Proof: Let ExternalB(C)=(A/B,B×E,⋆) and External/B(C)=(B,A/B×E,⋄).
First, observe that for every e∈E, there exists a morphism (ge,he):ExternalB(C)→(External/B(C))∗, with ge:→A/B×E given by ge(q)=(q,e), and he:B→B×E given by he(b)=(b,e). To see that this is a morphism, observe that for all q∈A/B and b∈B,
Let E′⊆hom(ExternalB(C),(External/B(C))∗) be given by E′={(ge,he)|e∈E}, and let D=(A/B×B,E′,∙), where
Our goal is to show that D∈ExternalB(C)⊠External/B(C), and that D≃C.
To see D≃C, we define (g0,h0):D→C and (g1,h1):C→D as follows.
First, g0:A/p×B→A is given by g0(q,b)=q(b). We first need to confirm that g0 is surjective. Given any a∈A, we can let b∈B be the set with a∈b and construct a function q∈A/B by saying q(b)=a, and for each b′≠b, choosing an a′∈b′, and saying q(b′)=a′. Observing that g0(q,b)=a, we have that g0 is surjective and thus has a right inverse.
We choose g1:A→A/B×B to be any right inverse to g0. Similarly, we define h0:E→E′ by h0(e)=(ge,he), which is clearly surjective, and define h1:E′→E to be any right inverse to h0. (Indeed, h0 is bijective as long as A is nonempty.)
Then, for all (q,b)∈A/B×B and e∈E, we have
so (g0,h0) is a morphism. This also gives us that for all a∈A and e′∈E′ we have
so (g1,h1) is a morphism. We know (g0,h0)∘(g1,h1) is homotopic to the identity on C, since g0∘g1 is the identity on A, and we know that (g1,h1)∘(g0,h0) is homotopic to the identity on D, since h0∘h1 is the identity on E′. Thus, D≃C.
To show that D∈ExternalB(C)⊠External/B(C), it suffices to show that
Indeed, we show that if A is nonempty, (A/B,B×E,⋆)≅(A/B,B×E′,⋆′), and (B,A/B×E,⋄)≅(B,A/B×E′,⋄′).
If A is nonempty, then the function from E to E′ given by e↦(ge,he) is a bijection, since it is clearly surjective, and is injective because e is uniquely defined by ge(a)=(a,e). This gives a bijection between B×E and B×E′, and we have that for all q∈A/B, b∈B, and e∈E,
Similarly, we have a bijection between A/B×E and A/B×E′, and for all q∈A/B, b∈B, and e∈E,
If A is empty, then B is empty, and A/p is a singleton empty function, so (A/B,B×E,⋆)≃(A/B,B×E′,⋆′)≃⊤, and we either have (B,A/B×E,⋄)≃(B,A/B×E′,⋄′)≃0 or (B,A/B×E,⋄)≃(B,A/B×E′,⋄′)≃null, depending on whether or not E is empty.
Thus, D∈ExternalB(C)⊠External/B(C), so ExternalB(C) and External/B(C) are sisters in C. □
1.4. Internalizing
Definition: Given a partition F of E, let InternalF(C) denote the Cartesian Frame (F×A,E/F,⋆), where ⋆ is given by (f,a)⋆q=a⋅q(f). Let Internal/F(C) denote the Cartesian Frame (E/F×A,F,⋄), where ⋄ is given by (q,a)⋄f=a⋅q(f).
We say "internalizing p" for Internalp and "internalizing mod p" for Internal/p.
Claim: For all partitions F of E, (InternalF(C))∗≅ExternalF(C∗) and (Internal/F(C))∗≅External/F(C∗). Similarly, for all partitions B of A, (ExternalB(C))∗≅InternalB(C∗) and (External/B(C))∗≅Internal/B(C∗).
Proof: Trivial. □
Claim: For all partitions F of E, C◃×InternalF(C) and C◃×Internal/F(C).
Proof: This follows from the fact that (InternalF(C))∗≅ExternalF(C∗)◃×C∗ and (Internal/F(C))∗≅External/F(C∗)◃×C∗, and the fact that multiplicative subagent is equivalent to multiplicative sub-environment. □
2. Definitions from Worlds
The above definitions are dependent on subsets and partitions of a given A and E, and thus do not represent a single operation that can be applied to an arbitrary Cartesian frame over W. We will now use the above eight definitions to define another eight operations that instead use subsets and partitions of W.
Once we have the following definitions in hand, our future references to committing, assuming, externalizing, and internalizing will use the definitions from worlds unless noted otherwise.
2.1. Committing
Definition: Given a set S⊆W, we define CommitS(C)=CommitB(C) and Commit∖S(C)=Commit∖B(C), where B⊆A is given by B={a∈A|∀e∈E,a⋅e∈S}.
Claim: For all S⊆W, CommitS(C)◃+C and Commit∖S(C)◃+C. Further, Commit∖S(C) and CommitS(C) are brothers in C.
Proof: Trivial. □
Unlike before, it is not necessarily the case that Commit∖S(C)≅CommitW∖S(C). This is because there might be rows that contains both elements of S and elements of W∖S.
2.2. Assuming
Definition: Given S⊆W, we define AssumeS(C)=AssumeF(C) and Assume∖S(C)=Assume∖F(C), where F⊆E is given by F={e∈E|∀a∈A,a⋅e∈S}.
Claim: For all S⊆W, (AssumeS(C))∗≅CommitS(C∗) and (Assume∖S(C))∗≅Commit∖S(C∗), (CommitS(C))∗≅AssumeS(C∗) and (Commit∖S(C))∗≅Assume∖S(C∗).
Proof: Trivial. □
Claim: For all S⊆W, C◃∗+AssumeS(C) and C◃∗+Assume∖S(C).
Proof: Trivial. □
2.3. Externalizing
Definition: Given a partition V of W, let v:W→V send each element w∈W to the part that contains it. We define ExternalV(C)=ExternalB(C) and External/V(C)=External/B(C), where B={{a′∈A|∀e∈E,v(a′⋅e)=v(a⋅e)}|a∈A}.
Claim: For all partitions V of W, ExternalV(C)◃×C and External/V(C)◃×C. Further, ExternalV(C) and External/V(C) are sisters in C.
Proof: Trivial. □
2.4. Internalizing
Definition: Given a partition V of W, let v:W→V send each element w∈W to the part that contains it. We define InternalV(C)=InternalF(C) and Internal/V(C)=Internal/F(C), where F={{e′∈E|∀a∈a,v(a⋅e′)=v(a⋅e)}|e∈E}.
Claim: For all partitions V of W, C◃×InternalV(C) and C◃×Internal/V(C).
Proof: Trivial. □
Claim: For all partitions V of W, (InternalV(C))∗≅ExternalV(C∗), (Internal/V(C))∗≅External/V(C∗), (ExternalV(C))∗≅InternalV(C∗), and (External/V(C))∗≅Internal/V(C∗).
Proof: Trivial. □
3. Basic Properties
3.1. Biextensional Equivalence
Committing and assuming are well-defined up to biextensional equivalence.
Claim: If C0≃C1 are Cartesian frames over W, then for any subset S⊆W, CommitS(C0)≃CommitS(C1), Commit∖S(C0)≃Commit∖S(C1),AssumeS(C0)≃AssumeS(C1), and Assume∖S(C0)≃Assume∖S(C1).
Proof: Let Ci=(Ai,Ei,⋅i), and let (g0,h0):C0→C1 and (g1,h1):C1→C0 compose to something homotopic to the identity in both orders. Let Bi⊂Ai be defined by Bi={a∈Ai|∀e∈Ei,a⋅ie∈S}.
Observe that if b∈B0, then for all e∈E1, g0(b)⋅1e=b⋅0h0(e)∈S, so g0(b)∈B1. Similarly, if b∈B1, then g1(b)∈B0. Thus, if we let g′i:Bi→B1−i be given by g′i(b)=gi(b), we get morphisms (g′i,hi):CommitS(Ci)→CommitS(C1−i), which are clearly morphisms, since they are restrictions of our original morphisms (gi,hi).
Since (g0,h0) and (g1,h1) compose to something homotopic to the identity in both orders, (idAi,h1−i∘hi):Ci→Ci is a morphism, so (idBi,h1−i∘hi):CommitS(Ci)→CommitS(Ci) is a morphism, so (g′0,h0) and (g′1,h1) compose to something homotopic to the identity in both orders. Thus CommitS(C0)≃CommitS(C1).
Similarly, if b∈A0∖B0, then there exists an e∈E0 such that b⋅0e∉S. But then
∉S, so g0(b)∈A1∖B1. Similarly, if b∈A1∖B1, then g1(b)∈A0∖B0. Thus, if we let g′′i:Ai∖Bi→A1−i∖B1−i be given by g′′i(b)=gi(b), we get morphisms (g′′i,hi):Commit∖S(Ci)→Commit∖S(C1−i), which (similarly to above) compose to something homotopic to the identity in both orders. Thus, Commit∖S(C0)≃Commit∖S(C1).
We know that AssumeS(C0)≃AssumeS(C1) and Assume∖S(C0)≃Assume∖S(C1), because
Externalizing and internalizing are also well-defined up to biextensional equivalence.
Claim: If C0≃C1 are Cartesian frames over W, then for all partitions V of W, ExternalV(C0)≃ExternalV(C1), External/V(C0)≃External/V(C1), InternalV(C0)≃InternalV(C1), and Internal/V(C0)≃Internal/V(C1).
Proof: Let Ci=(Ai,Ei,⋅i), and let (g0,h0):C0→C1 and (g1,h1):C1→C0 compose to something homotopic to the identity in both orders. Let V be a partition of W, and let v:W→V send each element w∈W to the part that contains it. Let Bi be the partition of Ai defined by Bi={{a′∈Ai|∀e∈Ei,v(a′⋅e)=v(a⋅e)}|a∈Ai}.
Let βi:Ai→Bi, send each element of Ai to its part in Bi, so βi(a)={a′∈Ai|∀e∈Ei,v(a′⋅e)=v(a⋅e)}. Since βi is surjective, it has a right inverse. Let αi:Bi→Ai be any choice of right inverse to βi. This gives a pair of functions ιi:Bi→B1−i given by ιi=β1−i∘gi∘αi.
We start by showing that ι0 and ι1 are inverses, and thus bijections between B0 and B1. We do this by showing that βi∘g1−i∘gi=βi, and that ιi∘βi=β1−i∘gi , and thus we will have
which is the identity on Bi.
To see that βi∘g1−i∘gi=βi, observe that for all a∈Ai, we have that for all e∈Ei, v(a⋅ie)=v(g1−i(gi(a))⋅ie), so, βi(a)=βi(g1−i(gi(a))). Thus, βi=βi∘g1−i∘gi.
To see that ιi∘βi=β1−i∘gi, first observe that for all a∈Ai, we have that βi(αi(βi(a)))=βi(a), and thus, for all e∈E1−i,
Thus, β1−i(gi(a))=β1−i(gi(αi(βi(a)))). Thus, we have
This also gives us functions fi:Ai/Bi→A1−i/B1−i, by fi(q)=gi∘q∘ι1−i. To ehow that these functions are well-defined, we need to show that for all q∈Ai/Bi, fi(q) is in fact in A1−i/B1−i, by showing that for all b∈B1−i, gi(q(ι1−i(b)))∈b, or equivalently that β1−i∘gi∘q∘ι1−i is the identity on B1−i. Since q∈Ai/Bi, we already have that βi∘q is the identity of Bi. Thus, we have that
is the identity on B1−i.
We are now ready to demonstrate that ExternalV(C0)≃ExternalV(C1).
This is the tenth post in the Cartesian frames sequence.
Here, we define a bunch of ways to construct new (additive/multiplicative) (sub/super)-(agents/environments) from a given Cartesian frame. Throughout this post, we will start with a single Cartesian frame over W, C=(A,E,⋅).
We will start by defining operations from taking subsets and partitions of A and E. We will then define similar operations from taking subsets and partitions of W.
1. Definitions from Agents and Environments
1.1. Committing
Definition: Given a subset B⊆A, let CommitB(C) denote the Cartesian frame (B,E,⋆), with ⋆ given by b⋆e=b⋅e. Let Commit∖B(C) denote the Cartesian frame (A∖B,E,⋄), with ⋄ given by a⋄e=a⋅e.
CommitB(C) represents the perspective you get when the agent of C makes a commitment to choose an element of B, while Commit∖B(C) represents the perspective you get when the agent of C makes a commitment to choose an element outside of B.
Claim: For all B⊆A, CommitB(C)◃+C and Commit∖B(C)◃+C. Further, Commit∖B(C) and CommitB(C) are brothers in C.
Proof: That CommitB(C)◃+C and Commit∖B(C)◃+C is trivial from the committing definition of additive subagent.
Observe that CommitB(C)⊕Commit∖B(C)=(A,E×E,∙), where ∙ is given by a∙(e,f)=a⋅e if a∈B, and a∙(e,f)=a⋅f if a∉B. Let D⊂E×E be the diagonal, {(e,e) | e∈E}. We clearly have that (A,D,∙′) is in CommitB(C)⊞Commit∖B(C), where ∙′ is the restriction of ∙ to A×D, and that (A,D,∙′)≅C; so Commit∖B(C)◃+C and CommitB(C)◃+C are brothers in C. □
Claim: Commit∖B(C)≅CommitA∖B(C)
Proof: Trivial. □
1.2. Assuming
Assuming is the dual operation to committing.
Definition: Given a subset F⊆E, let AssumeF(C) denote the Cartesian frame (A,F,⋆), with ⋆ given by a⋆f=a⋅f. Let Assume∖F(C) denote the Cartesian frame (A,E∖F,⋄), with ⋄ given by a⋄e=a⋅e.
AssumeF(C) represents the perspective you get when you assume the environment is chosen from F, while Assume∖F(C) represents the perspective you get when you assume the environment is chosen from outside of F.
In "Introduction to Cartesian Frames" §3.2 (Examples of Controllables), I noted the counter-intuitive result that agents have no control in worlds where a meteor (or other event) could have prevented their existence:
C0= rsmunu↔ru↔s⎛⎜ ⎜ ⎜⎝urusmnrnsmurnsmnrusm⎞⎟ ⎟ ⎟⎠.
Here, we see that we can use Assume∖F(C) to recover the more intuitive idea of "control." The subagent modified by the assumption "there's no meteor" can have controllables, even though the original agent has no controllables:
Assume∖{m}(C0)= rsunu↔ru↔s⎛⎜ ⎜ ⎜⎝urusnrnsurnsnrus⎞⎟ ⎟ ⎟⎠.
Claim: For all F⊆E, (AssumeF(C))∗≅CommitF(C∗) and (Assume∖F(C))∗≅Commit∖F(C∗). Similarly, for all B⊆A, (CommitB(C))∗≅AssumeB(C∗) and (Commit∖B(C))∗≅Assume∖B(C∗).
Proof: Trivial. □
Claim: For all F⊆E, C◃∗+AssumeF(C) and C◃∗+Assume∖F(C).
Proof: Trivial. □
1.3. Externalizing
Note that for the following definitions, when we say "X is a partition of Y," we mean that X is a set of nonempty subsets of Y, such that for each y∈Y, there exists a unique x∈X such that y∈x.
Definition: Given a partition X of Y, let Y/X denote the set of all functions q from X to Y such that q(x)∈x for all x∈X.
Definition: Given a partition B of A, let ExternalB(C) denote the Cartesian Frame (A/B,B×E,⋆), where ⋆ is given by q⋆(b,e)=q(b)⋅e. Let External/B(C) denote the Cartesian Frame (B,A/B×E,⋄), where ⋄ is given by b⋄(q,e)=q(b)⋅e.
We say "externalizing B" for ExternalB and "externalizing mod B" for External/B.
ExternalB(C) can be thought of the result of the agent of C first factoring its choice into choosing an equivalence class in B, and choosing an element of each equivalence class, and then externalizing the part of itself that chooses an equivalence class. I.e., we are drawing a new Cartesian frame which treats the choice of equivalence class as part of the environment, rather than part of the agent.
Similarly, External/B(C) can be thought of the result of the agent of C factoring as above, then externalizing the part of itself that chooses an element of each equivalence class.
Claim: For all partitions B of A, ExternalB(C)◃×C and External/B(C)◃×C. Further, ExternalB(C) and External/B(C) are sisters in C.
Proof: Let ExternalB(C)=(A/B,B×E,⋆) and External/B(C)=(B,A/B×E,⋄).
First, observe that for every e∈E, there exists a morphism (ge,he):ExternalB(C)→(External/B(C))∗, with ge:→A/B×E given by ge(q)=(q,e), and he:B→B×E given by he(b)=(b,e). To see that this is a morphism, observe that for all q∈A/B and b∈B,
ge(q)⋄b=q(b)⋅e=q⋆he(b).Let E′⊆hom(ExternalB(C),(External/B(C))∗) be given by E′={(ge,he) | e∈E}, and let D=(A/B×B,E′,∙), where
(q,b)∙(ge,he)=ge(q)⋄b=q⋆he(b)=q(b)⋅e.Our goal is to show that D∈ExternalB(C)⊠External/B(C), and that D≃C.
To see D≃C, we define (g0,h0):D→C and (g1,h1):C→D as follows.
First, g0:A/p×B→A is given by g0(q,b)=q(b). We first need to confirm that g0 is surjective. Given any a∈A, we can let b∈B be the set with a∈b and construct a function q∈A/B by saying q(b)=a, and for each b′≠b, choosing an a′∈b′, and saying q(b′)=a′. Observing that g0(q,b)=a, we have that g0 is surjective and thus has a right inverse.
We choose g1:A→A/B×B to be any right inverse to g0. Similarly, we define h0:E→E′ by h0(e)=(ge,he), which is clearly surjective, and define h1:E′→E to be any right inverse to h0. (Indeed, h0 is bijective as long as A is nonempty.)
Then, for all (q,b)∈A/B×B and e∈E, we have
g0(q,b)⋅e=q(b)⋅e=(q,b)∙(ge,he)=q,b∙h0(e),so (g0,h0) is a morphism. This also gives us that for all a∈A and e′∈E′ we have
g1(a)∙e′=g1(a)∙h0(h1(e′))=g0(g1(a))⋅h1(e)=a⋅h1(e),so (g1,h1) is a morphism. We know (g0,h0)∘(g1,h1) is homotopic to the identity on C, since g0∘g1 is the identity on A, and we know that (g1,h1)∘(g0,h0) is homotopic to the identity on D, since h0∘h1 is the identity on E′. Thus, D≃C.
To show that D∈ExternalB(C)⊠External/B(C), it suffices to show that
External/B(C)=(B,A/B×E,⋄)≃(B,A/B×E′,⋄′),where ⋆′ and ⋄′ are given by
q⋆′(b,(ge,he))=b⋄′(q,(ge,he))=q⋆he(b)=b⋄ge(q)=q(b)⋅e.Indeed, we show that if A is nonempty, (A/B,B×E,⋆)≅(A/B,B×E′,⋆′), and (B,A/B×E,⋄)≅(B,A/B×E′,⋄′).
If A is nonempty, then the function from E to E′ given by e↦(ge,he) is a bijection, since it is clearly surjective, and is injective because e is uniquely defined by ge(a)=(a,e). This gives a bijection between B×E and B×E′, and we have that for all q∈A/B, b∈B, and e∈E,
q⋆′(b,(ge,he))=q(b)⋅e=q⋆(b,e).Similarly, we have a bijection between A/B×E and A/B×E′, and for all q∈A/B, b∈B, and e∈E,
b⋄′(q,(ge,he))=q(b)⋅e=b⋄(q,e).If A is empty, then B is empty, and A/p is a singleton empty function, so (A/B,B×E,⋆)≃(A/B,B×E′,⋆′)≃⊤, and we either have (B,A/B×E,⋄)≃(B,A/B×E′,⋄′)≃0 or (B,A/B×E,⋄)≃(B,A/B×E′,⋄′)≃null, depending on whether or not E is empty.
Thus, D∈ExternalB(C)⊠External/B(C), so ExternalB(C) and External/B(C) are sisters in C. □
1.4. Internalizing
Definition: Given a partition F of E, let InternalF(C) denote the Cartesian Frame (F×A,E/F,⋆), where ⋆ is given by (f,a)⋆q=a⋅q(f). Let Internal/F(C) denote the Cartesian Frame (E/F×A,F,⋄), where ⋄ is given by (q,a)⋄f=a⋅q(f).
We say "internalizing p" for Internalp and "internalizing mod p" for Internal/p.
Claim: For all partitions F of E, (InternalF(C))∗≅ExternalF(C∗) and (Internal/F(C))∗≅External/F(C∗). Similarly, for all partitions B of A, (ExternalB(C))∗≅InternalB(C∗) and (External/B(C))∗≅Internal/B(C∗).
Proof: Trivial. □
Claim: For all partitions F of E, C◃×InternalF(C) and C◃×Internal/F(C).
Proof: This follows from the fact that (InternalF(C))∗≅ExternalF(C∗)◃×C∗ and (Internal/F(C))∗≅External/F(C∗)◃×C∗, and the fact that multiplicative subagent is equivalent to multiplicative sub-environment. □
2. Definitions from Worlds
The above definitions are dependent on subsets and partitions of a given A and E, and thus do not represent a single operation that can be applied to an arbitrary Cartesian frame over W. We will now use the above eight definitions to define another eight operations that instead use subsets and partitions of W.
Once we have the following definitions in hand, our future references to committing, assuming, externalizing, and internalizing will use the definitions from worlds unless noted otherwise.
2.1. Committing
Definition: Given a set S⊆W, we define CommitS(C)=CommitB(C) and Commit∖S(C)=Commit∖B(C), where B⊆A is given by B={a∈A | ∀e∈E,a⋅e∈S}.
Claim: For all S⊆W, CommitS(C)◃+C and Commit∖S(C)◃+C. Further, Commit∖S(C) and CommitS(C) are brothers in C.
Proof: Trivial. □
Unlike before, it is not necessarily the case that Commit∖S(C)≅CommitW∖S(C). This is because there might be rows that contains both elements of S and elements of W∖S.
2.2. Assuming
Definition: Given S⊆W, we define AssumeS(C)=AssumeF(C) and Assume∖S(C)=Assume∖F(C), where F⊆E is given by F={e∈E | ∀a∈A,a⋅e∈S}.
Claim: For all S⊆W, (AssumeS(C))∗≅CommitS(C∗) and (Assume∖S(C))∗≅Commit∖S(C∗), (CommitS(C))∗≅AssumeS(C∗) and (Commit∖S(C))∗≅Assume∖S(C∗).
Proof: Trivial. □
Claim: For all S⊆W, C◃∗+AssumeS(C) and C◃∗+Assume∖S(C).
Proof: Trivial. □
2.3. Externalizing
Definition: Given a partition V of W, let v:W→V send each element w∈W to the part that contains it. We define ExternalV(C)=ExternalB(C) and External/V(C)=External/B(C), where B={{a′∈A | ∀e∈E, v(a′⋅e)=v(a⋅e)} | a∈A}.
Claim: For all partitions V of W, ExternalV(C)◃×C and External/V(C)◃×C. Further, ExternalV(C) and External/V(C) are sisters in C.
Proof: Trivial. □
2.4. Internalizing
Definition: Given a partition V of W, let v:W→V send each element w∈W to the part that contains it. We define InternalV(C)=InternalF(C) and Internal/V(C)=Internal/F(C), where F={{e′∈E | ∀a∈a, v(a⋅e′)=v(a⋅e)} | e∈E}.
Claim: For all partitions V of W, C◃×InternalV(C) and C◃×Internal/V(C).
Proof: Trivial. □
Claim: For all partitions V of W, (InternalV(C))∗≅ExternalV(C∗), (Internal/V(C))∗≅External/V(C∗), (ExternalV(C))∗≅InternalV(C∗), and (External/V(C))∗≅Internal/V(C∗).
Proof: Trivial. □
3. Basic Properties
3.1. Biextensional Equivalence
Committing and assuming are well-defined up to biextensional equivalence.
Claim: If C0≃C1 are Cartesian frames over W, then for any subset S⊆W, CommitS(C0)≃CommitS(C1), Commit∖S(C0)≃Commit∖S(C1),AssumeS(C0)≃AssumeS(C1), and Assume∖S(C0)≃Assume∖S(C1).
Proof: Let Ci=(Ai,Ei,⋅i), and let (g0,h0):C0→C1 and (g1,h1):C1→C0 compose to something homotopic to the identity in both orders. Let Bi⊂Ai be defined by Bi={a∈Ai | ∀e∈Ei, a⋅ie∈S}.
Observe that if b∈B0, then for all e∈E1, g0(b)⋅1e=b⋅0h0(e)∈S, so g0(b)∈B1. Similarly, if b∈B1, then g1(b)∈B0. Thus, if we let g′i:Bi→B1−i be given by g′i(b)=gi(b), we get morphisms (g′i,hi):CommitS(Ci)→CommitS(C1−i), which are clearly morphisms, since they are restrictions of our original morphisms (gi,hi).
Since (g0,h0) and (g1,h1) compose to something homotopic to the identity in both orders, (idAi,h1−i∘hi):Ci→Ci is a morphism, so (idBi,h1−i∘hi):CommitS(Ci)→CommitS(Ci) is a morphism, so (g′0,h0) and (g′1,h1) compose to something homotopic to the identity in both orders. Thus CommitS(C0)≃CommitS(C1).
Similarly, if b∈A0∖B0, then there exists an e∈E0 such that b⋅0e∉S. But then
g0(b)⋅1h1(e)=g1(g0(b))⋅0e=b⋅0e∉S, so g0(b)∈A1∖B1. Similarly, if b∈A1∖B1, then g1(b)∈A0∖B0. Thus, if we let g′′i:Ai∖Bi→A1−i∖B1−i be given by g′′i(b)=gi(b), we get morphisms (g′′i,hi):Commit∖S(Ci)→Commit∖S(C1−i), which (similarly to above) compose to something homotopic to the identity in both orders. Thus, Commit∖S(C0)≃Commit∖S(C1).
We know that AssumeS(C0)≃AssumeS(C1) and Assume∖S(C0)≃Assume∖S(C1), because
Externalizing and internalizing are also well-defined up to biextensional equivalence.
Claim: If C0≃C1 are Cartesian frames over W, then for all partitions V of W, ExternalV(C0)≃ExternalV(C1), External/V(C0)≃External/V(C1), InternalV(C0)≃InternalV(C1), and Internal/V(C0)≃Internal/V(C1).
Proof: Let Ci=(Ai,Ei,⋅i), and let (g0,h0):C0→C1 and (g1,h1):C1→C0 compose to something homotopic to the identity in both orders. Let V be a partition of W, and let v:W→V send each element w∈W to the part that contains it. Let Bi be the partition of Ai defined by Bi={{a′∈Ai | ∀e∈Ei, v(a′⋅e)=v(a⋅e)} | a∈Ai}.
Let βi:Ai→Bi, send each element of Ai to its part in Bi, so βi(a)={a′∈Ai | ∀e∈Ei, v(a′⋅e)=v(a⋅e)}. Since βi is surjective, it has a right inverse. Let αi:Bi→Ai be any choice of right inverse to βi. This gives a pair of functions ιi:Bi→B1−i given by ιi=β1−i∘gi∘αi.
We start by showing that ι0 and ι1 are inverses, and thus bijections between B0 and B1. We do this by showing that βi∘g1−i∘gi=βi, and that ιi∘βi=β1−i∘gi , and thus we will have
ι1−i∘ιi=ι1−i∘β1−i∘gi∘αi=βi∘g1−i∘gi∘αi=βi∘αi,which is the identity on Bi.
To see that βi∘g1−i∘gi=βi, observe that for all a∈Ai, we have that for all e∈Ei, v(a⋅ie)=v(g1−i(gi(a))⋅ie), so, βi(a)=βi(g1−i(gi(a))). Thus, βi=βi∘g1−i∘gi.
To see that ιi∘βi=β1−i∘gi, first observe that for all a∈Ai, we have that βi(αi(βi(a)))=βi(a), and thus, for all e∈E1−i,
v(gi(a)⋅1−ie)=v(a⋅ihi(e))=v(αi(βi(a))⋅ihi(e))=v(gi(αi(βi(a)))⋅1−ie).Thus, β1−i(gi(a))=β1−i(gi(αi(βi(a)))). Thus, we have
β1−i∘gi=β1−i∘gi∘αi∘βi=ιi∘βi.This also gives us functions fi:Ai/Bi→A1−i/B1−i, by fi(q)=gi∘q∘ι1−i. To ehow that these functions are well-defined, we need to show that for all q∈Ai/Bi, fi(q) is in fact in A1−i/B1−i, by showing that for all b∈B1−i, gi(q(ι1−i(b)))∈b, or equivalently that β1−i∘gi∘q∘ι1−i is the identity on B1−i. Since q∈Ai/Bi, we already have that βi∘q is the identity of Bi. Thus, we have that
β1−i∘gi∘q∘ι1−i=ιi∘βi∘q∘ι1−i=ιi∘ι1−iis the identity on B1−i.
We are now ready to demonstrate that ExternalV(C0)≃ExternalV(C1).
Let ExternalV(Ci)=(Ai/Bi,Bi×Ei,⋆i), and define
(g′i,h′i):(Ai/Bi,Bi×Ei,⋆i)→(A1−i/B1−i,B1−i×E1−i,⋆1−i)by g′i=fi, while h′i:B1−i×E1−i→Bi×Ei is given by h′i(b,e)=(ι1−i(b),hi(e)).
To see that (g′i,h′i) is a morphism, observe that for all q∈Ai/Bi, and (b,e)∈B1−i×E1−i, we have
g′i(q)⋆1−i(b,e)=fi(q)⋆1−i(b,e)=fi(q)(b)⋅1−ie=gi(q(ι1−i(b)))⋅1−ie=q(ι1−i(b))⋅ihi(e)=q⋆i(ι1−i(b),hi(e))=q⋆ih′i(b,e).To see that (g′1−i,h′1−i)∘(g′i,h′i) is homotopic to the identity, we show that
(idAi/Bi,h′i∘h′1−i):(Ai/Bi,Bi×Ei,⋆i)→(Ai/Bi,Bi×Ei,⋆i)is a morphism. Indeed, for all q∈Ai/Bi and (b,e)∈Bi×Ei,
q⋆ih′i(h′1−i(b,e))=q⋆i(b,hi(h1−i(e)))=q(b)⋅ihi(h1−i(e))=q(b)⋅ie=q⋆i(b,e).Thus, ExternalV(C0)≃ExternalV(C1)
Similarly, let External/V(Ci)=(Bi,Ai/Bi×Ei,⋄i), and define
(g′′i,h′′i):(Bi,Ai/Bi×Ei,⋄i)→(B1−i,A1−i/B1−i×E1−i,⋄1−i)by g′′i=ιi, and h′′i:A1−i/B1−i×E1−i→Ai/Bi×Ei is given by h′′i(q,e)=(f1−i(q),hi(e)).
To see that (g′′i,h′′i) is a morphism, observe that for all q∈Bi, and (q,e)∈A1−i/B1−i×E1−i, we have
g′′i(b)⋄1−i(q,e)=ιi(b)⋄1−i(q,e)=q(ιi(b))⋅1−ie=q(ιi(b))⋅1−ih1−i(hi(e))=g1−i(q(ιi(b)))⋅ihi(e)=f1−i(q)(b)⋅ihi(e)=b⋄i(f1−i(q),hi(e))=b⋄ih′′i(q,e).Clearly, (g′′1−i,h′′1−i)∘(g′′i,h′′i) is homotopic to the identity, since g′′1−i∘g′′i is the identity on Bi. Thus, External/V(C0)≃External/V(C1).
We know that InternalV(C0)≃InternalV(C1) and Internal/V(C0)≃Internal/V(C1), because