I'm more active on Twitter than LW/AF these days: https://twitter.com/DavidSKrueger
Bio from https://www.davidscottkrueger.com/:
I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Cambridge and a member of Cambridge's Computational and Biological Learning lab (CBL). My research group focuses on Deep Learning, AI Alignment, and AI safety. I’m broadly interested in work (including in areas outside of Machine Learning, e.g. AI governance) that could reduce the risk of human extinction (“x-risk”) resulting from out-of-control AI systems. Particular interests include:
I think we disagree about:
1) The level of "functionality" of the current world/institutions.
2) How strong and decisive competitive pressures are and will be in determining outcomes.
I view the world today as highly dysfunctional in many ways: corruption, coordination failures, preference falsification, coercion, inequality, etc. are rampant. This state of affairs both causes many bad outcomes and many aspects are self-reinforcing. I don't expect AI to fix these problems; I expect it to exacerbate them.
I do believe it has the potential to fix them, however, I think the use of AI for such pro-social ends is not going to be sufficiently incentivized, especially on short time-scales (e.g. a few years), and we will instead see a race-to-the-bottom that encourages highly reckless, negligent, short-sighted, selfish decisions around AI development, deployment, and use. The current AI arms race is a great example -- Companies and nations all view it as more important that they be the ones to develop ASI than to do it carefully or put effort into cooperation/coordination.
Given these views:
1) Asking AI for advice instead of letting it take decisions directly seems unrealistically uncompetitive. When we can plausibly simulate human meetings in seconds it will be organizational suicide to take hours-to-weeks to let the humans make an informed and thoughtful decision.
2) The idea that decision-makers who "think a goverance structure will yield total human disempowerment" will "do something else" also seems quite implausible. Such decision-makers will likely struggle to retain power. Decision-makers who prioritize their own "power" (and feel empowered even as they hand off increasing decision-making to AI) and their immediate political survival above all else will be empowered.
Another features of the future which seems likely and can already be witnessed beginning is the gradual emergence and ascendance of pro-AI-takeover and pro-arms-race ideologies, which endorse the more competitive moves of rapidly handing off power to AI systems in insufficiently cooperative ways.
This thought experiment is described in ARCHES FYI. https://acritch.com/papers/arches.pdf
I think it's a bit sad that this comment is being so well-received -- it's just some opinions without arguments from someone who hasn't read the paper in detail.
Concretely, in domains with vision, we should probably be significantly more worried that an AI system learns something more like an adversarial "hack" on it's values leading to behavior that significantly diverges from things humans would endorse.
OTMH, I think my concern here is less:
This comment made me reflect on what fragility of values means.
To me this point was always most salient when thinking about embodied agents, which may need to reliably recognize something like "people" in its environment (in order to instantiate human values like "try not to hurt people") even as the world changes radically with the introduction of various forms of transhumanism.
I guess it's not clear to me how much progress we make towards that with a system that can do a very good job with human values when restricted to the text domain. Plausibly we just translate everything into text and are good to go? It makes me wonder where we're at with adversarial robustness of vision-language models, e.g.
OK, so it's not really just your results? You are aggregating across these studies (and presumably ones of "Westerners" as well)? I do wonder how directly comparable things are... Did you make an effort to translate a study or questions from studies, or are the questions just independently conceived and formulated?
No, I was only responding to the the first part.
Not necessarily fooling it, just keeping it ignorant. I think such schemes can plausibly scale to very high levels of capabilities, perhaps indefinitely, since intelligence doesn't give one the ability to create information from thin air...
First, RE the role of "solving alignment" in this discussion, I just want to note that:
1) I disagree that alignment solves gradual disempowerment problems.
2) Even if it would that does not imply that gradual disempowerment problems aren't important (since we can't assume alignment will be solved).
3) I'm not sure what you mean by "alignment is solved"; I'm taking it to mean "AI systems can be trivially intent aligned". Such a system may still say things like "Well, I can build you a successor that I think has only a 90% chance of being aligned, but will make you win (e.g. survive) if it is aligned. Is that what you want?" and people can respond with "yes" -- this is the sort of thing that probably still happens IMO.
4) Alternatively, you might say we're in the "alignment basin" -- I'm not sure what that means, precisely, but I would operationalize it as something like "the AI system is playing a roughly optimal CIRL game". It's unclear how good of performance that can yield in practice (e.g. it can't actually be optimal due to compute limitations), but I suspect it still leaves significant room for fuck-ups.
5) I'm more interested in the case where alignment is not "perfectly" "solved", and so there are simply clear and obvious opportunities to trade-off safety and performance; I think this is much more realistic to consider.
6) I expect such trade-off opportunities to persist when it comes to assurance (even if alignment is solved), since I expect high-quality assurance to be extremely costly. And it is irresponsible (because it's subjectively risky) to trust a perfectly aligned AI system absent strong assurances. But of course, people who are willing to YOLO it and just say "seems aligned, let's ship" will win. This is also part of the problem...
My main response, at a high level:
Consider a simple model:
I predict that group A survives, but the humans are no longer in power. I think this illustrates the basic dynamic. EtA: Do you understand what I'm getting at? Can you explain what you think it wrong with thinking of it this way?
Responding to some particular points below:
Yes, they do; they result in beaurocracies and automated decision-making systems obtaining power. People were already having to implement and interact with stupid automated decision-making systems before AI came along.
My main claim was not that these are mechanisms of human disempowerment (although I think they are), but rather that they are indicators of the overall low level of functionality of the world.