Steve Byrnes

I'm an AGI safety / AI alignment researcher in Boston with a particular focus on brain algorithms. Research Fellow at Astera. See for a summary of my research and sorted list of writing. Physicist by training. Email: Leave me anonymous feedback here. I’m also at: RSS feed, X/Twitter, Bluesky, LinkedIn, and more at my website.


Intro to Brain-Like-AGI Safety

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Sorry if I missed it, but you don’t seem to address the standard concern that mildly-optimizing agents tend to self-modify into (or create) strongly-optimizing agents.

For example (copying from my comment here), let’s say we make an AI that really wants there to be exactly 100 paperclips in the bin. There’s nothing else it wants or desires. It doesn’t care a whit about following human norms, etc.

But, there’s one exception: this AI is also “lazy”—every thought it thinks, and every action it takes, is mildly aversive. So it’s not inclined to, say, build an impenetrable fortress around the bin just for an infinitesimal probability increment. “Seems like a lot of work! It’s fine as is,” says the AI to itself.

But hey, here’s something it can do: rent some server time on AWS, and make a copy its own source code and trained model, but comment out the “laziness” code block. That’s not too hard; even a “lazy” AI would presumably be capable of doing that. And the result will be a non-lazy AI that works tirelessly and uncompromisingly towards incrementing the probability of there being 32 paperclips—first 99.99%, then 99.9999%, etc. That’s nice! (from the original AI’s perspective). Or more specifically, it offers a small benefit for zero cost (from the original AI’s perspective).

It’s not wildly different from a person saying “I want to get out of debt, but I can’t concentrate well enough to hold down a desk job, so I’m going to take Adderall”. It’s an obvious solution to a problem.

…OK, in this post, you don’t really talk about “AI laziness” per se, I think, instead you talk about “AI getting distracted by other things that now seem to be a better use of its time”, i.e. other objectives. But I don’t think that changes anything. The AI doesn’t have to choose between building an impenetrable fortress around the bin of paperclips versus eating lunch. “Why not both?”, it says. So the AI eats lunch while its strongly-optimizing subagent simultaneously builds the impenetrable fortress. Right?

I’m still curious about how you’d answer my question above. Right now, we don't have ASI. Sometime in the future, we will. So there has to be some improvement to AI technology that will happen between now and then. My opinion is that this improvement will involve AI becoming (what you describe as) “better at extrapolating”.

If that’s true, then however we feel about getting AIs that are “better at extrapolating”—its costs and its benefits—it doesn’t much matter, because we’re bound to get those costs and benefits sooner or later on the road to ASI. So we might as well sit tight and find other useful things to do, until such time as the AI capabilities researchers figure it out.

…Furthermore, I don’t think the number of months or years between “AIs that are ‘better at extrapolating’” and ASI is appreciably larger if the “AIs that are ‘better at extrapolating’” arrive tomorrow, versus if they arrive in 20 years. In order to believe that, I think you would need to expect some second bottleneck standing between “AIs that are ‘better at extrapolating’”, and ASI, such that that second bottleneck is present today, but will not be present (as much) in 20 years, and such that the second bottleneck is not related to “extrapolation”.

I suppose that one could argue that availability of compute will be that second bottleneck. But I happen to disagree. IMO we already have an absurdly large amount of compute overhang with respect to ASI, and adding even more compute overhang in the coming decades won’t much change the overall picture. Certainly plenty of people would disagree with me here. …Although those same people would probably say that “just add more compute” is actually the only way to make AIs that are “better at extrapolation”, in which case my point would still stand.

I don’t see any other plausible candidates for the second bottleneck. Do you? Or do you disagree with some other part of that? Like, do you think it’s possible to get all the way to ASI without ever making AIs “better at extrapolating”? IMO it would hardly be worthy of the name “ASI” if it were “bad at extrapolating”  :)

Because you can speed up AI capabilities much easier while being sloppy than to produce actually good alignment ideas.

Right, my point is, I don’t see any difference between “AIs that produce slop” and “weak AIs” (a.k.a. “dumb AIs”). So from my perspective, the above is similar to : “…Because weak AIs can speed up AI capabilities much easier than they can produce actually good alignment ideas.”

…And then if you follow through the “logic” of this OP, then the argument becomes: “AI alignment is a hard problem, so let’s just make extraordinarily powerful / smart AIs right now, so that they can solve the alignment problem”.

See the error?

If you really think you need to be similarly unsloppy to build ASI than to align ASI, I'd be interested in discussing that. So maybe give some pointers to why you might think that (or tell me to start).

I don’t think that. See the bottom part of the comment you’re replying to. (The part after “Here’s what I would say instead:”)

I think it’s 1:1, because I think the primary bottleneck to dangerous ASI is the ability to develop coherent and correct understandings of arbitrary complex domains and systems (further details), which basically amounts to anti-slop.

If you think the primary bottleneck to dangerous ASI is not that, but rather something else, then what do you think it is? (or it’s fine if you don’t want to state it publicly)

Right, so one possibility is that you are doing something that is “speeding up the development of AIS-helpful capabilities” by 1 day, but you are also simultaneously speeding up “dangerous capabilities” by 1 day, because they are the same thing.

If that’s what you’re doing, then that’s bad. You shouldn’t do it. Like, if AI alignment researchers want AI that produces less slop and is more helpful for AIS, we could all just hibernate for six months and then get back to work. But obviously, that won’t help the situation.

And a second possibility is, there are ways to make AI more helpful for AI safety that are not simultaneously directly addressing the primary bottlenecks to AI danger. And we should do those things.

The second possibility is surely true to some extent—for example, the LessWrong JargonBot is marginally helpful for speeding up AI safety but infinitesimally likely to speed up AI danger.

I think this OP is kinda assuming that “anti-slop” is the second possibility and not the first possibility, without justification. Whereas I would guess the opposite.

I don’t think your model hangs together, basically because I think “AI that produces slop” is almost synonymous with “AI that doesn’t work very well”, whereas you’re kinda treating AI power and slop as orthogonal axes.

For example, from comments:

Two years later, GPT7 comes up with superhumanly-convincing safety measures XYZ. These inadequate standards become the dominant safety paradigm. At this point if you try to publish "belief propagation" it gets drowned out in the noise anyway.

Some relatively short time later, there are no humans.

I think that, if there are no humans, then slop must not be too bad. AIs that produce incoherent superficially-appealing slop are not successfully accomplishing ambitious nontrivial goals right?

(Or maybe you’re treating it as a “capabilities elicitation” issue? Like, the AI knows all sorts of things, but when we ask, we get sycophantic slop answers? But then we should just say that the AI is mediocre in effect. Even if there’s secretly a super-powerful AI hidden inside, who cares? Unless the AI starts scheming, but I thought AI scheming was out-of-scope for this post.)

Anti-slop AI helps everybody make less mistakes. Sloppy AI convinces lots of people to make more mistakes.

I would have said “More powerful AI (if aligned) helps everybody make less mistakes. Less powerful AI convinces lots of people to make more mistakes.” Right?

And here’s a John Wentworth excerpt:

So the lab implements the non-solution, turns up the self-improvement dial, and by the time anybody realizes they haven’t actually solved the superintelligence alignment problem (if anybody even realizes at all), it’s already too late.

If the AI is producing slop, then why is there a self-improvement dial? Why wouldn’t its self-improvement ideas be things that sound good but don’t actually work, just as its safety ideas are?


Really, I think John Wentworth’s post that you’re citing has a bad framing. It says: the concern is that early transformative AIs produce slop.

Here’s what I would say instead:

Figuring out how to build aligned ASI is a harder technical problem than just building any old ASI, for lots of reasons, e.g. the latter allows trial-and-error. So we will become capable of building ASI sooner than we’ll have a plan to build aligned ASI.

Whether the “we” in that sentence is just humans, versus humans with the help of early transformative AI assistance, hardly matters.

But if we do have early transformative AI assistants, then the default expectation is that they will fail to solve the ASI alignment problem until it’s too late. Maybe those AIs will fail to solve the problem by outputting convincing-but-wrong slop, or maybe they’ll fail to solve it by outputting “I don’t know”, or maybe they’ll fail to solve it by being misaligned, a.k.a. a failure of “capabilities elicitation”. Who cares? What matters is that they fail to solve it. Because people (and/or the early transformative AI assistants) will build ASI anyway.

For example, Yann LeCun doesn’t need superhumanly-convincing AI-produced slop, in order to mistakenly believe that he has solved the alignment problem. He already mistakenly believes that he has solved the alignment problem! Human-level slop was enough. :)

In other words, suppose we’re in a scenario with “early transformative AIs” that are up to the task of producing more powerful AIs, but not up to the task of solving ASI alignment. You would say to yourself: “if only they produced less slop”. But to my ears, that’s basically the same as saying “we should creep down the RSI curve, while hoping that the ability to solve ASI alignment emerges earlier than the breakdown of our control and alignment measures and/or ability to take over”.


…Having said all that, I’m certainly in favor of thinking about how to get epistemological help from weak AIs that doesn’t give a trivial affordance for turning the weak AIs into very dangerous AIs. For for that matter, I’m in favor of thinking about how to get epistemological help from any method, whether AI or not.  :)

I don’t think the average person would be asking AI what are the best solutions for preventing existential risks. As evidence, just look around:

There are already people with lots of money and smart human research assistants. How many of those people are asking those smart human research assistants for solutions to prevent existential risks? Approximately zero.

Here’s another: The USA NSF and NIH are funding many of the best scientists in the world. Are they asking those scientists for solutions to prevent existential risk? Nope.

Demis Hassabis is the boss of a bunch of world-leading AI experts, with an ability to ask them to do almost arbitrary science projects. Is he asking them to do science projects that reduce existential risk? Well, there’s a DeepMind AI alignment group, which is great, but other than that, basically no. Instead he’s asking his employees to cure diseases (cf Isomorphic Labs), and to optimize chips, and do cool demos, and most of all to make lots of money for Alphabet.

You think Sam Altman would tell his future powerful AIs to spend their cycles solving x-risk instead of making money or curing cancer? If so, how do you explain everything that he’s been saying and doing for the past few years? How about Mark Zuckerberg and Yann LeCun? How about random mid-level employees in OpenAI? I am skeptical.

Also, even if the person asked the AI that question, then the AI would (we’re presuming) respond: “preventing existential risks is very hard and fraught, but hey, what if I do a global mass persuasion campaign…”. And then I expect the person would reply “wtf no, don’t you dare, I’ve seen what happens in sci-fi movies when people say yes to those kinds of proposals.” And then the AI would say “Well I could try something much more low-key and norm-following but it probably won’t work”, and the person would say “Yeah do that, we’ll hope for the best.” (More such examples in §1 here.)

I agree with the claim that existential catastrophes aren't automatically solved by aligned/controlled AI …

See also my comment here, about the alleged “Law of Conservation of Wisdom”. Your idea of “using instruction following AIs to implement a campaign of persuasion” relies (I claim) on the assumption that the people using the instruction-following AIs to persuade others are especially wise and foresighted people, and are thus using their AI powers to spread those habits of wisdom and foresight.

It’s fine to talk about that scenario, and I hope it comes to pass! But in addition to the question of what those wise people should do, if they exist, we should also be concerned about the possibility that the people with instruction-following AIs will not be spreading wisdom and foresight in the first place.

[Above paragraphs are assuming for the sake of argument that we can solve the technical alignment problem to get powerful instruction-following AI.]

On the first person problem, I believe that the general solution to this involves recapitulating human social instincts via lots of data on human values…

Yeah I have not forgotten about your related comment from 4 months ago, I’ve been working on replying to it, and now it’s looking like it will be a whole post, hopefully forthcoming! :)

Thanks! I still feel like you’re missing my point, let me try again, thanks for being my guinea pig as I try to get to the bottom of it.  :)

inasmuch as it's driven by compute

In terms of the “genome = ML code” analogy (§3.1), humans today have the same compute as humans 100,000 years ago. But humans today have dramatically more capabilities—we have invented the scientific method and math and biology and nuclear weapons and condoms and Fortnite and so on, and we did all that, all by ourselves, autonomously, from scratch. There was no intelligent external non-human entity who was providing humans with bigger brains or new training data or new training setups or new inference setups or anything else.

If you look at AI today, it’s very different from that. LLMs today work better than LLMs from six months ago, but only because there was an intelligent external entity, namely humans, who was providing the LLM with more layers, new training data, new training setups, new inference setups, etc.

…And if you’re now thinking “ohhh, OK, Steve is just talking about AI doing AI research, like recursive self-improvement, yeah duh, I already mentioned that in my first comment” … then you’re still misunderstanding me!

Again, think of the “genome = ML code” analogy (§3.1). In that analogy,

  • “AIs building better AIs by doing the exact same kinds of stuff that human researchers are doing today to build better AIs”
    • …would be analogous to…
  • “Early humans creating more intelligent descendants by doing biotech or selective breeding or experimentally-optimized child-rearing or whatever”.

But humans didn’t do that. We still have basically the same brains as our ancestors 100,000 years ago. And yet humans were still able to dramatically autonomously improve their capabilities, compared to 100,000 years ago. We were making stone tools back then, we’re making nuclear weapons now.

Thus, autonomous learning is a different axis of AI capabilities improvement. It’s unrelated to scaling, and it’s unrelated to “automated AI capabilities research” (as typically envisioned by people in the LLM-sphere). And “sharp left turn” is what I’m calling the transition from “no open-ended autonomous learning” (i.e., the status quo) to “yes open-ended autonomous learning” (i.e., sometime in the future). It’s a future transition, and it has profound implications, and it hasn’t even started (§1.5). It doesn’t have to happen overnight—see §3.7. See what I mean?

For (2), I’m gonna uncharitably rephrase your point as saying: “There hasn’t been a sharp left turn yet, and therefore I’m overall optimistic there will never be a sharp left turn in the future.” Right?

I’m not really sure how to respond to that … I feel like you’re disagreeing with one of the main arguments of this post without engaging it. Umm, see §1. One key part is §1.5:

do make the weaker claim that, as of this writing, publicly-available AI models do not have the full (1-3) triad—generation, selection, and open-ended accumulation—to any significant degree. Specifically, foundation models are not currently set up to do the “selection” in a way that “accumulates”. For example, at an individual level, if a human realizes that something doesn’t make sense, they can and will alter their permanent knowledge store to excise that belief. Likewise, at a group level, in a healthy human scientific community, the latest textbooks delete the ideas that have turned out to be wrong, and the next generation of scientists learns from those now-improved textbooks. But for currently-available foundation models, I don’t think there’s anything analogous to that. The accumulation can only happen within a context window (which is IMO far more limited than weight updates), and also within pre- and post-training (which are in some ways anchored to existing human knowledge; see discussion of o1 in §1.1 above).

…And then §3.7:

Back to AGI, if you agree with me that today’s already-released AIs don’t have the full (1-3) triad to any appreciable degree [as I argued in §1.5], and that future AI algorithms or training approaches will, then there’s going to be a transition between here and there. And this transition might look like someone running a new training run, from random initialization, with a better learning algorithm or training approach than before. While the previous training runs create AIs along the lines that we’re used to, maybe the new one would be like (as gwern said) “watching the AlphaGo Elo curves: it just keeps going up… and up… and up…”. Or, of course, it might be more gradual than literally a single run with a better setup. Hard to say for sure. My money would be on “more gradual than literally a single run”, but my cynical expectation is that the (maybe a couple years of) transition time will be squandered, for various reasons in §3.3 here.

I do expect that there will be a future AI advance that opens up full-fledged (1-3) triad in any domain, from math-without-proof-assistants, to economics, to philosophy, and everything else. After all, that’s what happened in humans. Like I said in §1.1, our human discernment, (a.k.a. (2B)) is a flexible system that can declare that ideas do or don’t hang together and make sense, regardless of its domain.

This post is agnostic over whether the sharp left turn will be a big algorithmic advance (akin to switching from MuZero to LLMs, for example), versus a smaller training setup change (akin to o1 using RL in a different way than previous LLMs, for example). [I have opinions, but they’re out-of-scope.] A third option is “just scaling the popular LLM training techniques that are already in widespread use as of this writing”, but I don’t personally see how that option would lead to the (1-3) triad, for reasons in the excerpt above. (This is related to my expectation that LLM training techniques in widespread use as of this writing will not scale to AGI … which should not be a crazy hypothesis, given that LLM training techniques were different as recently as ≈6 months ago!) But even if you disagree, it still doesn’t really matter for this post. I’m focusing on the existence of the sharp left turn and its consequences, not what future programmers will do to precipitate it.


For (1), I did mention that we can hope to do better than Ev (see §5.1.3), but I still feel like you didn’t even understand the major concern that I was trying to bring up in this post. Excerpting again:

  • The optimistic “alignment generalizes farther” argument is saying: if the AI is robustly motivated to be obedient (or helpful, or harmless, or whatever), then that motivation can guide its actions in a rather wide variety of situations.
  • The pessimistic “capabilities generalize farther” counterargument is saying: hang on, is the AI robustly motivated to be obedient? Or is it motivated to be obedient in a way that is not resilient to the wrenching distribution shifts that we get when the AI has the (1-3) triad (§1.3 above) looping around and around, repeatedly changing its ontology, ideas, and available options?

Again, the big claim of this post is that the sharp left turn has not happened yet. We can and should argue about whether we should feel optimistic or pessimistic about those “wrenching distribution shifts”, but those arguments are as yet untested, i.e. they cannot be resolved by observing today’s pre-sharp-left-turn LLMs. See what I mean?

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