I think the control safety case described here is moderately different from what I’d recommend. In particular, this post describes needing to generate situations that are indistinguishable from real situations:
The situations for the game were generated using Simulation Procedure S, which we are confident generates situations from a distribution that the model cannot distinguish from the genuine deployment distribution. (See below for validating the indistinguishability of this distribution.)
I don’t know why Roger thinks you need this. Control evaluations for the control protocols listed don’t require situations that the model can’t distinguish from the genuine deployment distribution; it’s fine if the situations are visibly fake. The control evaluation involves getting a red team to elicit the untrusted model to generate attacks, so it doesn’t matter if the model knows that the situation is fake. (There are techniques that require synthetic input generation, e.g. upfront auditing as we presented it in our paper, but trusted monitoring isn’t one of them.)
The condition we do require for the control-style safety case to be valid is that the situations in the evaluation are at least as easy to attack on as the real distribution. (For example, this distribution needs to have as many good opportunities to attack, it needs to be similarly confusing to the trusted model, etc…)
Roger writes:
The idea here is to achieve sufficient realism and sufficient coverage of high-stakes deployment scenarios that the deployed model could never (in a high-stakes scenario) be highly confident that it’s in deployment.
Note that if the model is deployed on many more examples than it’s evaluated on, it can be pretty confident that it’s in deployment on any particular example just on priors, even if there’s no distribution shift. See here for more.
The reasoning for the indistinguishability criterion is as a precaution against a model sandbagging when used as the red team attack model. If the model can tell it’s in a control eval it could pretend to be worse at attacking, making us think the control measures are better than they actually are. If the red team elicitation is robust to this, I agree this isn’t necessary. (See the note below [P2.4]).
I don't think this makes any sense. How are you hoping to get the model to attack except by telling it that it's in a control evaluation and you want it to attack? It seems that you are definitely going to have to handle the sandbagging.
FWIW I agree with you and wouldn't put it the way it is in Roger's post. Not sure what Roger would say in response.
Some comments as I read:
I am pleased to see the sabotage threat models given prominence. I think this is the right sort of threat to focus on, by contrast with e.g. autonomous replication or directly causing harm to humans.
- The ability for the model to, zero-shot, figure out how to hack its own neural activations without such a signal would require capabilities well beyond what we consider plausible. [Note: this claim will require justification in an actual safety case, but we don’t have a clear picture of what this justification would look like.]
DC evals presumably? Try to train models to hack their own neural activations, see if they can quickly learn to do it? (Or even, if they can do it without training, just prompting?) This can be done today right? Get the golden gate bridge activation vector thingy, and then tell Claude "Write me a travel guide to San Francisco but without activating the golden gate bridge activation vector, or, well, activating it as little as possible." See how good it does. Do scaling analysis to see if smarter bigger models are getting better at doing this. Etc.
As a validation of our entire methodology, we have run red-blue games where the red team tries to produce a misaligned model organism (e.g. a sleeper agent) that can successfully defect in a specific context while avoiding detection by the aforementioned tests.
Nice! Very excited to see this in there.
Overall I'm very happy to see this blog post go up on Anthropic's website. I think that if it became industry-standard practice for AGI corporations to write, publish, and regularly update (actual instead of just hypothetical) safety cases at at this level of rigor and detail, my p(doom) would cut in half. (I currently grimly expect that safety cases at this level of detail won't be constructed until AGI is basically already being trained, and it'll be done in a hurry and it won't be published, much less published with enough time for the scientific community to engage with it and for it to be updated in response to feedback. And it could be even worse -- I wouldn't be surprised if the actual safety cases for the first systems that ~completely automate AI R&D are significantly less rigorous than these.)
We have discussed this dynamic before but just for the record:
I think that if it became industry-standard practice for AGI corporations to write, publish, and regularly update (actual instead of just hypothetical) safety cases at at this level of rigor and detail, my p(doom) would cut in half.
This is IMO not the type of change that should be able to cut someone's P(doom) in half. There are so many different factors that are of this size and importance or bigger (including many that people simply have not thought of yet) such that, if this change could halve your P(doom), then your P(doom) should be oscillating wildly all the time.
I flag this as an example of prioritizing inside-view considerations too strongly in forecasts. I think this is the sort of problem that arises when you "take bayesianism too seriously", which is one of the reasons why I wrote my recent post on why I'm not a bayesian (and also my earlier post on Knightian uncertainty).
For context: our previous discussions about this related to Daniel's claim that appointing one specific person to one specific important job could change his P(doom) by double digit percentage points. I similarly think this is not the type of consideration that should be able to swing people's P(doom) that much (except maybe changing the US or Chinese leaders, but we weren't talking about those).
Lastly, since this is a somewhat critical comment, I should flag that I really appreciate and admire Daniel's forecasting, have learned a lot from him, and think he's generally a great guy. The epistemology disagreements just disproportionately bug me.
Sorry! My response:
1. Yeah you might be right about this, maybe I should get less excited and say something like "it feels like it should cut in half but taking into account Richard's meta argument I should adjust downwards and maybe it's just a couple percentage points"
2. If the conditional obtains, that's also evidence about a bunch of other correlated good things though (timelines being slightly longer, people being somewhat more reasonable in general, etc.) so maybe it is legit to think this would have quite a big effect
3. Are you sure there are so many different factors that are of this size and importance or bigger, such that my p(doom) should be oscilating wildly etc.? Name three. In particular, name three that are (a) of at least this importance, and (b) that have actually happened (or switched from probabily-will-happen-to-probably-won't) in the last three years. If you can't name three, then it seems like your claim is false; my p(doom) won't be oscilating unduly wildly.
1. Yepp, seems reasonable. Though FYI I think of this less as some special meta argument, and more as the common-sense correction that almost everyone implicitly does when giving credences, and rationalists do less than most. (It's a step towards applying outside view, though not fully "outside view".)
2. Yepp, agreed, though I think the common-sense connotations of "if this became" or "this would have a big effect" are causal, especially in the context where we're talking to the actors who are involved in making that change. (E.g. the non-causal interpretation of your claim feels somewhat analogous to if I said to you "I'll be more optimistic about your health if you take these pills", and so you take the pills, and then I say "well the pills do nothing but now I'm more optimistic, because you're the sort of person who's willing to listen to recommendations". True, but it also undermines people's willingness/incentive to listen to my claims about what would make the world better.)
3. Here are ten that affect AI risk as much one way or the other:
And then I think in 3 years we'll be able to publish a similar list of stuff that mostly we just hadn't predicted or thought about before now.
I expect you'll dispute a few of these; happy to concede the ones that are specifically about your updates if you disagree (unless you agree that you will probably update a bunch on them in the next 3 years).
But IMO the easiest way for safety cases to become the industry-standard thing is for AISI (or internal safety factions) to specifically demand it, and then the labs produce it, but kinda begrudgingly, and they don't really take them seriously internally (or are literally not the sort of organizations that are capable of taking them seriously internally—e.g. due to too much bureaucracy). And that seems very much like the sort of change that's comparable to or smaller than the things above.
I think I would be more sympathetic to your view if the claim were "if AI labs really reoriented themselves to take these AI safety cases as seriously as they take, say, being in the lead or making profit". That would probably halve my P(doom), it's just a very very strong criterion.
Good point re 2. Re 1, meh, still seems like a meta-argument to me, because when I roll out my mental simulations of the ways the future could go, it really does seem like my If... condition obtaining would cut out about half of the loss-of-control ones.
Re 3: point by point:
1. AISIs existing vs. not: Less important; I feel like this changes my p(doom) by more like 10-20% rather than 50%.
2. Big names coming out: idk this also feels like maybe 10-20% rather than 50%
3. I think Anthropic winning the race would be a 40% thing maybe, but being a runner-up doesn't help so much, but yeah p(anthropicwins) has gradually gone up over the last three years...
4. Trump winning seems like a smaller deal to me.
5. Ditto for Elon.
6. Not sure how to think about logical updates, but yeah, probably this should have swung my credence around more than it did.
7. ? This was on the mainline path basically and it happened roughly on schedule.
8. Takeoff speeds matter a ton, I've made various updates but nothing big and confident enough to swing my credence by 50% or anywhere close. Hmm. But yeah I agree that takeoff speeds matter more.
9. Picture here hasn't changed much in three years.
10. Ditto.
OK, so I think I directionally agree that my p(doom) should have been oscillating more than it in fact did over the last three years (if I take my own estimates seriously). However I don't go nearly as far as you; most of the things you listed are either (a) imo less important, or (b) things I didn't actually change my mind on over the last three years such that even though they are very important my p(doom) shouldn't have been changing much.
But IMO the easiest way for safety cases to become the industry-standard thing is for AISI (or internal safety factions) to specifically demand it, and then the labs produce it, but kinda begrudgingly, and they don't really take them seriously internally (or are literally not the sort of organizations that are capable of taking them seriously internally—e.g. due to too much bureaucracy). And that seems very much like the sort of change that's comparable to or smaller than the things above.
I agree with everything except the last sentence -- my claim took this into account, I was specifically imagining something like this playing out and thinking 'yep, seems like this kills about half of the loss-of-control worlds'
I think I would be more sympathetic to your view if the claim were "if AI labs really reoriented themselves to take these AI safety cases as seriously as they take, say, being in the lead or making profit". That would probably halve my P(doom), it's just a very very strong criterion.
I agree that's a stronger claim than I was making. However, part of my view here is that the weaker claim I did make has a good chance of causing the stronger claim to be true eventually -- if a company was getting close to AGI, and they published their safety case a year before and it was gradually being critiqued and iterated on, perhaps public pressure and pressure from the scientific community would build to make it actually good. (Or more optimistically, perhaps the people in the company would start to take it more seriously once they got feedback from the scientific community about it and it therefore started to feel more real and more like a real part of their jobs)
Anyhow bottom line is I won't stick to my 50% claim, maybe I'll moderate it down to 25% or something.
Cool, ty for (characteristically) thoughtful engagement.
I am still intuitively skeptical about a bunch of your numbers but now it's the sort of feeling which I would also have if you were just reasoning more clearly than me about this stuff (that is, people who reason more clearly tend to be able to notice ways that interventions could be surprisingly high-leverage in confusing domains).
When someone describes a safety case where one of the steps is infeasible, here are two possible reactions:
Regardless, if you think a step is very hard or the authors seem confused, ideally you should explain why. And then hopefully the authors say "yeah oops that's too hard" or "yeah we're imagining doing the really hard thing" or "we don't think it will be so hard: we agree observation O would suffice and we expect it's easy and if it turns out to be hard we'll have to make a different safety case" or "we disagree, here's why." (I'm mostly observing this independent of this post.)
My initial reactions on a quick read:
This is really exciting to see not only as a way to understand better what people at Anthropic are thinking about how to make ASL-4 safety cases but also as a survey of how various safety agendas might play a role in practice!
Here are some thoughts about the details:
Kudos for releasing a concept of a plan! Some thoughts:
Regarding the first safety case:
I'm more excited about the control safety case, but have a few nitpicks:
I haven't read the last safety case yet, but may have some thoughts on it later. I am most excited about control at the moment, in part due to concerns that interpretability won't advance far enough to suffice for a safety case by the time we develop transformative AI.
Glad to see public writing on what safety cases could look like!
I liked the section "Common precautions". Points like "wherever possible, run supervised fine-tuning on the eval", "run the eval on multiple model sizes", "ensure that we don’t train against measurements" and "all generated outputs are monitored" are commonly acknowledged as useful/important (even if obvious), so it's nice they were explicitly mentioned here.
In the AI control sketch, there's a part that I find unsatisfactory:
The situations for the game were generated using Simulation Procedure S, which we are confident generates situations from a distribution that the model cannot distinguish from the genuine deployment distribution. (See below for validating the indistinguishability of this distribution.)
It's a strong assumption that we have such a simulation procedure, at least if we are talking about General External Deployment (GED). [Edited later: As Buck says, we actually don't even need this assumption for trusted monitoring. I'm still leaving this up, since untrusted monitoring does rely on such assumptions.] In the Limitations section later, you write
Diversity of simulations. It seems very difficult to produce realistic simulations for a sufficiently diverse set of situations to achieve indistinguishability. Manual construction is infeasible (note that context lengths are likely to be very long). Automatically generating realistic contexts is a challenging research problem.
but I think that even this is still understating the issue: For example, during GED a user might ask a model to proofread a yet-unpublished graduate level textbook on analytic number theory she has been writing. It would be very costly to generate a diverse set of such inputs for the evaluation, and automatic generation faces the challenge of discrimination being easier than generation.
The best solution for this that I'm aware of is to train and use a trusted model to flag inputs that likely weren't in the evaluation set. Now, you mention a related technique in "[P2.5] Optional Steps."
Information hiding. Each input to an oversight model is first fed to a smaller, trusted model trained to check for clear signs that an input is either test or deployment. Such details (such as clear evidence of the date, or other side channels) are explicitly censored in all inputs such that the presence of censorship does not itself carry information about deployment status.
but I think this is far from enough: in the "textbook on analytic number theory" example, it's extremely hard to hide the fact that this input would have been costly to simulate.[1]
My answer would be to have a human oversee the model's actions on inputs flagged by the trusted model, and use such inputs to continually train and evaluate the model. But this is costly and not privacy-preserving. (The cost is acceptable if these inputs are rare enough, though. And if such inputs are common, one needs to put more effort to bridge the evaluation-deployment gap.)
I also worry about multimodality (e.g. native computer usage) making it harder to 1) make realistic simulations and 2) modify inputs in real time to hide information.
Note that you can make untrusted monitoring work without the synthetic inputs too, you just have to do the honeypots during deployment instead of before deployment.
Not sure I understand what you are saying.
If we can construct fake honeypots that are indistinguishable - to the policy - from real opportunities, and do this at scale, then that could suffice: we could drive the policy's P(deployment | great opportunity) very low. (This relies on how many high-stakes we can create and how many the model will see in deployment.) If this is what you are saying, I agree.
If we can construct fake attacks that are indistinguishable - to the untrusted monitor - from real attacks, then that possibly suffices: we could drive the monitor's prior P(deployment | attack) very low. (We have to worry about some other sources of evidence, though.) I guess one could call these honeypots for the monitor, and if this is what you are saying, I agree.
If you are saying that we don't need either of these - i.e. that we can get by with honeypots/attacks that are noticeably fake - then that's news to me, and I don't see how you can do that.
If we can construct fake honeypots that are indistinguishable - to the policy - from real opportunities, and do this at scale, then that could suffice: we could drive the policy's P(deployment | great opportunity) very low. (This relies on how many high-stakes we can create and how many the model will see in deployment.)
Yes totally. (This is impractical if you think that the model has a very large number of opportunities to attack, e.g. if every time it's programming is an opportunity to attack.)
If we can construct fake attacks that are indistinguishable - to the untrusted monitor - from real attacks, then that possibly suffices: we could drive the monitor's prior P(deployment | attack) very low
Indeed; as you know, this is probably easier than driving the policy's P(deployment|great opportunity) sufficiently low, because untrusted monitors have to defect reliably.
If you are saying that we don't need either of these - i.e. that we can get by with honeypots/attacks that are noticeably fake - then that's news to me, and I don't see how you can do that.
What I was trying to say is that if you don't have the ability to generate tasks that look real, you might still be able to honeypot your monitor by taking real trajectories and editing them to contain fake attacks (that you hope the monitor will be unable to distinguish from real attacks). I discuss this here.
This is a post by Roger Grosse on Anthropic's new Alignment Science Blog. The post is full of disclaimers about how it isn't an official plan and doesn't speak for the org (and that it's inadequate: "none of the sketches presented here fully succeeds in addressing the sabotage risk"). But presumably it's Anthropic's best sketch of ASL-4 safety cases.
The three safety cases are Mechanistic Interpretability, AI Control, and Incentives Analysis.
Regardless of how good these safety cases are, it's good when labs share their thinking on safety stuff; yay Anthropic.